curl -fsSL | sudo bash
- modes
- type: array
- default: ["node", "web", "pool"]
- description: This setting defines all the modules to initialize when running the node. Node - will initialize all of the networking for exchanging blocks, syncing, transactions, etc. Web - will enable the http interface which can be used in your browser including the pool information and wallet app pages.
- root_app
- type: string
- default: "yadacoinpool"
- description: If multiple http apps are loaded, this setting tells the node which app owns the root / path in the case of a conflict.
- seed
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: This is an auto-generated set of words representing your private key.
- xprv
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: Extended private key. This allows a heirarchy of keys to be created. Useful for exchanges with many child wallets.
- public_key
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: Public key for the corresponding private key.
- address
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: Bitcoin-style address for the corresponding public key
- private_key
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: Private key for the corresponding public key.
- wif
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: Bitcoin-style Wallet Import Format string for the corresponding private key.
- username_signature
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: The signature generated when this wallet signs the username field.
- mongodb_host
- type: string
- default: localhost
- description: The server where the mongo db is located.
- mongodb_username
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The username to authenticate against mongodb.
- mongodb_password
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The password to authenticate against mongodb.
- api_whitelist
- type: array
- default: []
- description: An array of IP addresses that are allowed to access your node. ie. [""]
- username
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: This is the username other users on the network will see when interacting with you on the network.
- network
- type: string
- default: mainnet
- description: Tell the node which network to use. Possible values are mainnet, testnet, regnet.
- database
- type: string
- default: yadacoin
- description: The name of the mongodb database where all collections/yadacoin data will be stored.
- site_database
- type: string
- default: yadacoin_site
- description: The name of the mongodb database where all third-party app data will be stored.
- peer_host
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: The IP address used by the network to access your node.
- peer_port
- type: string
- default: 8000
- description: The port used by the network to access your node
- peer_type
- type: string
- default: user
- description: The node type that determines when this node will place itself in the network topology. Possible values are user, service_provider, seed_gateway, and seed. If you would like to be a seed node, then you'll need to also run service_provider and seed_gateway nodes for your seed node. You'll also need to submit a pull request, requesting your servers be added to the network.
- serve_host
- type: string
- default:
- description: The IP address bound by the node when initializing the server.
- serve_port
- type: string
- default: 8000
- description: The port bound by the node when initializing the server.
- ssl
- type: object
- default: undefined
- description: Specify the SSL information to enable https on your web server.
- nested properties:
- cafile
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The absolute file path to your CA file.
- certfile
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The absolute file path to your Cetfificate file.
- keyfile
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The absolute file path to your Key file.
- common_name
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The common name used in your certificate.
- port
- type: integer
- default: undefined
- description: The port you wish to use for your SSL connections.
- cafile
- origin
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Depricated
- fcm_key
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: Depricated
- sia_api_key
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: Depricated
- jwt_public_key
- type: string
- default: auto-generated
- description: This value is generated to perform JWT auth for yadacoin apps.
- callbackurl
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: Depricated
- wallet_host_port
- type: string
- default: "http://localhost:8001"
- description: The url used to contact the node from the wallet user interface. You may want to change this is you would like to access your wallet remotely.
- credits_per_share
- type: decimal
- default: 5
- description: Specifies the number of credits a user earch for every share they submit to your pool.
- shares_required
- type: bool
- default: false
- description: Specifies if shares are required to use an app on your node.
- pool_payout
- type: bool
- default: false
- description: Specifies if your pool will payout to the addresses submitting shares. If false, the pool will keep all won coins in it's own wallet.
- pool_take
- type: decimal
- default: .01
- description: Specifies the percentage of coins that are awarded to the pool for each block.
- pool_public_key
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: This allows you to specify a pool public key other than the current node in the case where you want to provide stats on the web and run the pool on a separate server.
- stratum_pool_port
- type: integer
- default: 3333
- description: The port where your pool can be accessed by mining rigs.
- payout_frequency
- type: integer
- default: 6
- description: This specifies the number of blocks that must by won by the pool before a payout can take place.
- max_miners
- type: integer
- default: 100
- description: This specifies the number of miners for your pool.
- max_peers
- type: integer
- default: 20
- description: This specifies the number of peers that can connect to your node.
- pool_diff
- type: integer
- default: 100000
- description: This specifies the difficulty for pool shares in both xmrig versions 2/3
- email
- type: object
- default: undefined
- description: Specify the email server you wish to use for notifications, communication, etc.
- smtp_server
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The hostname or IP address of your smtp server.
- smtp_port
- type: number
- default: undefined
- description: The port of your smtp server.
- username
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The username of your email account.
- password
- type: string
- default: undefined
- description: The password of your email account.
- smtp_server
- skynet_url
- type: string
- default: ''
- description: Specify the url of your skynet server.
- skynet_api_key
- type: string
- default: ''
- description: Specify the api password for your skynet server.
- web_jwt_expiry
- type: string
- default: 23040
- description: Specify the validity period for a json web token in seconds.
- websocket_host_port
- type: string
- default: 'ws://localhost:8000/websocket'
- description: Specify the host and port of your websocket.
- tcp_traffic_debug
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want all tcp traffic in debug logging.
- debug_memory
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want a complete breakdown of memory usage by object type in status output.
- websocket_traffic_debug
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want all websocket traffic in debug logging.
- mongo_debug
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want all Mongo DB queries to be logged and profiled.
- peers_wait
- type: integer
- default: 3
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect to peers.
- status_wait
- type: integer
- default: 10
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before printing status message to terminal.
- queue_processor_wait
- type: integer
- default: 10
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before checking for new transactions to process.
- block_checker_wait
- type: integer
- default: 1
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before checking the for block height changes and updating peers.
- message_sender_wait
- type: integer
- default: 10
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before retrying messages for transactions, blocks, etc.
- pool_payer_wait
- type: integer
- default: 120
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before running the pool payout process.
- cache_validator_wait
- type: integer
- default: 30
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before running the cache validator process.
- mempool_cleaner_wait
- type: integer
- default: 1200
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before clearing the mempool of old and invalid transactions.
- nonce_processor_wait
- type: integer
- default: 1
- description: Specify the number of seconds to wait before checking for new share submissions to process.
- mongo_query_timeout
- type: integer
- default: 30000
- description: Specify the max number of milliseconds of execution time for all mongo queries.
- http_request_timeout
- type: integer
- default: 3000
- description: Specify the max number of milliseconds of execution time for all http requests.
- log_health_status
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want all Mongo DB queries to be logged and profiled.
- docker_debug
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want to log resources used by docker.
- asyncio_debug
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify if you want to log slow running asyncio tasks.
- asyncio_debug_duration
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: Specify duration of what is considered a "slow" task in asyncio.
- combined_address
- type: string
- default: your node's wallet address
- description: Specify a wallet address to combine transactions. This can be useful when running multiple nodes and consolidating their transactions into a central wallet.
- activate_peerjs
- type: bool
- default: undefined
- description: If your node is not a service provide node, which have this enabled by default, you can use this setting to activate peerjs p2p connection broker endpoints and user interface.
- masternode_fee_minimum
- type: integer
- default: 1
- description: If your node is a service provider or you have activate_peerjs set to true, then you may set your minimum required amount of YDA to broker p2p connections.
- balance_min_utxo
- type: integer
- default: 1
- description: This value determines the minimum amount of yada for a UTXO for it to be included in the list of available UTXOs
We use Black, Autoflake, isort, and commit message enforcement as pre-commit hooks. To install the hooks, run the following commands:
pip install pre-commit mongomock black autoflake isort pytest
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push
pre-commit install -t commit-msg
pre-commit autoupdate