PDFfiller API You can sign up for the API here
- PHP >= 7.0 but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended;
The library is available on Packagist and can be installed using Composer. This is done by running the following command on a composer installed box:
$ composer require pdffiller/pdffiller-php-api-client
Most modern frameworks include Composer out of the box. However, please ensure that the following file is included:
// Include the Composer autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
If you have the following error:
Could not load package pdffiller/pdffiller-php-api-client in http://packagi
st.org: [UnexpectedValueException] Could not parse version constraint ^5.2:
Invalid version string "^5.2"
Could not parse version constraint ^5.2: Invalid version string "^5.2"
Try running
composer self-update
Also you might encounter the following:
Warning: require_once(../../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
This issue is easily fixed by installing composer dependencies:
composer install
Install required libraries using composer
cd pdffiller-php-api-client/
composer install
Edit .env
file in examples directory setting client_id, client_secret, username and password
(for authorization via password_grant
cd examples/
cp .env.example .env
vi .env
Run any example
cd signature_request/
php 1_get_signature_request_list.php
Access tokens automatically initialize when they’re successfully retrieved from the given user's credentials (after PDFfiller\OAuth2\Client\Provider\PDFfiller::getAccessToken($grant_type, $options) method), according to the example below:
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use \PDFfiller\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Enums\GrantType;
use \PDFfiller\OAuth2\Client\Provider\PDFfiller;
$oauthParams = [
'clientId' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
'clientSecret' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
'urlAccessToken' => 'https://api.pdffiller.com/v2/oauth/token',
'urlApiDomain' => 'https://api.pdffiller.com/v2/'
$passwordGrantCredentials = [
'username' => 'pdffiller_account@example.com',
'password' => 'some_pass'
/** @var \PDFfiller\OAuth2\Client\Provider\PDFfiller $provider */
$provider = new PDFfiller($oauthParams);
$accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken(GrantType::PASSWORD_GRANT, $passwordGrantCredentials);
When your authorization has been completed successfully you can use the provider for retrieving, creating, updating or deleting information from your profile.
Use a static method to retrieve a list of all applications:
PDFfiller\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Core\Model::all(PDFfiller $provider)
$list = Application::all($provider);
For retrieving information about one application, call static:
PDFfiller\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Core\Model::one(PDFfiller $provider, $appClientId)
$application = Application::one($provider, 'app_client_id');
If you want to create a new application, you must create a new Application object with the necessary information and save it using the following method:
$application = new Application($provider);
$application->name = 'App name';
$application->description = 'Some application description';
$application->domain = 'http://some.domain.com';
If you want to update an instance, you must retrieve an Application object and save it by using the following method:
$application = Application::one($provider, 'app_client_id');
$application->name = 'Updated App name';
$application->description = 'Some changed application description';
$result = $application->save();
Updating information is easy by using:
If you wish to remove an application, use:
$application = Application::one($provider, 'app_client_id');
$result = $application->remove();
All examples with other endpoints are available in the examples folder
If you have any problems feel free to contact us:
- On our issues page https://github.com/pdffiller/pdffiller-php-api-client/issues
- Via chat or phone at our tech site http://developers.pdffiller.com
- Join our Gitter chat room for technical advice https://gitter.im/pdffiller/pdffiller-php-api-client
This software is licensed under the following MIT license
API Team (integrations@pdffiller.com)