- download and install packer from https://www.packer.io/downloads
- Checkout code and save to local directory
- download latest Ubuntu edition from Minecraft https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server/bedrock, save in this directory. E.g bedrock-server-
- Setup GCP account and create project & service account
- download service account credentials json file to this directory
- run validation code
packer validate bedrock.json
- run build, this will overwrite any existing ami with this name
packer build \
-var 'gcp_credentials_file=<path_to_credentials_file>.json' \
-var 'gcp_project_id=<GCP_PROJECT_ID>' \
-var 'bedrock_zip_file=bedrock-server-' \
- gcp_image_name=minecraft-bedrock-1-16-40-02 , defaults to minecraft-bedrock
- gcp_image_base_image_name=ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20191211, defaults to ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20191211