A CLI tool for scaffolding AO contracts, featuring:
- 🧪 Testing: Busted and WAO for testing
- 🛠️ Development Tools: arweave for testing, formatting and linting
- 📦 Deployment: Seamless deployment using ao-deploy
To scaffold an AO contract interactively, run the following command based on your package manager of choice:
npx create-ao-contract@latest
# or
npm create ao-contract@latest
yarn create ao-contract
pnpm create ao-contract@latest
bunx create-ao-contract@latest
# or
bun create ao-contract@latest
During the interactive setup, you'll be prompted for your project's name and other configuration options. Provide your choices to create a new AO contract.
Note: For windows users using a secure shell, ensure your ssh-agent is running as expected for successfull installation of dependencies.
For a non-interactive setup, use command line arguments. You can view available options with:
create-ao-contract --help
Usage: create-ao-contract [dir] [options]
A CLI for creating an AO contract
dir The name of the contract, as well as the name of the directory to create
--noGit Explicitely tell the CLI to not initialize a new git repo in the project (default: false)
--noInstall Explicitely tell the CLI to not run the package manager's install command (default: false)
-y, --default Bypass the CLI and Use default options to bootstrap a new AO contract. Note: Default options can be overridden by user-provided options.
(default: false)
-v, --version Display the version number
-h, --help display help for command
Quickly scaffold an AO contract using the CLI with the default options by running:
npx create-ao-contract@latest -y
# or
yarn create ao-contract -y
# or
pnpm create ao-contract@latest -y
# or
bunx create-ao-contract@latest -y
Override the default options by passing other options:
npx create-ao-contract@latest my-ao-contract --noGit --default
# or
yarn create ao-contract my-ao-contract --noGit --default
# or
pnpm create ao-contract@latest my-ao-contract --noGit --default
# or
bunx create-ao-contract@latest my-ao-contract --noGit --default
For a complete list of contributors and credits, please see the CREDITS file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.