This "framework" is just a PoC
Slides: how-to-thrive-on-restwebsocketbased-microservices
One of the goal was to better integrate Jersey (JAX-RS RI) and Tyrus (WebSocket API for Java RI) into one small (minimal) and fast framework, which provides the right (again, minimal) amount of functionality.
You'll need Maven 3.3.3+ and JDK 1.8+.
We made some modifications in Jersey and Tyrus, so you'll need to check them out and build them:
git clone
cd jersey-j1
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip
cd ..
git clone
cd tyrus-j1
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip
cd ..
Checkout Placeholder + build:
git clone
cd placeholder
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip
Assumption here is that you have already built the project.
- simple functionality, just to show trivial solution (Java SE, no injection)
cd placeholder/examples/simple-webapp/
mvn jetty:run
- app runs on:
- same app, same functionality
File placeholder/examples/cdi-webapp/target/cdi-webapp.war
can be deployed on any Java EE 7 compatible
appserver; usually available on something like: http://localhost:8080/cdi-webapp/survey/javaee/
- jetty version:
cd placeholder/examples/cdi-webapp/
mvn jetty:run -Pstandalone
- app url:
- same functionality as previous, minimal runtime, significantly faster startup, smaller footprint.
java -jar placeholder/examples/placeholder-app/target/placeholder-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- app url: