This is Phone Validation App which Validates phone number and displays suggestions.
Tech Stack : Angular.
Features : Accepts Phone number and it will display all the suggestions.
- It will accept only either 7 digit or 10 digit number. Validation is implemented in front end only.
- Pagination is Implemented.
- Calls Rest API(http://localhost:8081/phonebook/getSuggestions) to get suggestions.
- if user enters 7 digits, it assumes area code is missing and adds all the area codes and displays all the combinations as suggestions.
- if the user enters 10 digit number, then it will convert the last digit into character based on tele key pad and displays the suggestions.
- Pagination is implemented. based on the records it will display page numbers. if the records are more than 5 pages, then it will show >> symbol to get next five pages( if we have the data). Otherwise it will display page numbers dynamically depending upon the records.
Backend Repo :
- phone_validation_demo.docx is added in which i have posted screen shots of the application and its usage (for ur reference)