This is an Phone Validation API which validates the Phone Number given and gives suggestions based on the Phone Number entered.
- Validates the Phone Number( it will accept only either 7 digit or 10 digit number)
- if the Phone Number is 7 digit (Assuming without Area Code). It will add all the area codes to the given Number and displays as suggestions.
- if the Phone Number is 10 or 7 digit, it will convert the all the digits into character as per tele keypad and displays the suggestions.
- written United Test Cases for Service Class where 90% of the logic is present. Due to Time Limitation, I could not able to write for controller.
- Area Codes are externalised in properties file. Right now I added some of the area codes.
Tech Stack
- Spring Boot.
Post Url : http://localhost:8081/phonebook/getSuggestions
Parameters : {
"phoneNumber" : "3140288",
"pageNo" : "1"
Front End Application :