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Releases: pathway27/bookr-mod-vita

v0.4.0a - Infinity Gauntlet

30 May 15:25
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Adding release names going forward based on literature. Infinity Gauntlet - Marvel Comics

  • Introducing a big refactor to the codebase
    • Somewhat more readable and maintainable
  • Adding Switch Support (.nro) (and Desktop)
    • Same button layout as vita right now
    • Vita -> Switch Button Mapping
      • X -> B is for Selecting on the Menu/File Browser
      • Triangle -> X Next Page or Go up a folder
      • Select -> - Bottom Menu for Bookmarks/Rotate/Fit to Height/Width while reading
      • Start -> + Open Main Menu
  • Updated to latest MuPDF (v1.18)
  • Vita has access to more partitions like: ur0: an uma0:

Note: This is an alpha for switch since it's a new platform, so there might be issues on it.

Been a long while since my last release! I know I've been exceptionally slow since the last release, but this is mostly due to real life stuff. As you are probably aware the last year has been quite unfortunate for the world. Even for me, It will still take quite some time to get back on my feet. But I will continue this project as long as you or I are reading on our devices, albeit slow, but not as slow as before. I have a more clearer roadmap written, so it should be faster for releases to come through.

I now ask for a donation that would be much appreciated:

BTC: 18xfZFF87234J4N2cDgBmHMFvx8rFzwgpx
ETH: 0x374b29ab6d59295578fc6d732fee65a85da7adcd
BCH: 18xfZFF87234J4N2cDgBmHMFvx8rFzwgpx
BNB (BEP20 BSC): 0x374b29ab6d59295578fc6d732fee65a85da7adcd
XRP: rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh

Memo: 1037949274


If you want to donate with a different crypto/way, please e-mail me.


14 Oct 12:25
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  • Fixed an issue with rotation which resulted in incorrect scaling (#15). Now handling page bounds transforms with individual matrices.
  • Rotation and scaling information is now in bookmarks and state when exiting.
  • Tools menu shows action and sub-actions, e.g. to delete bookmarks.
  • Fixed tools menu pixelation issue due to scaling font


15 Sep 13:34
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Added ability to zoom and rotate
Re-open file after waking from sleep due to #9 and #13
Using latest MuPDF (v1.13.0)
Added select menu (Press select when reading) for other functions

  • Bookmarks
  • Book Traversal
  • Fit to Width/Height
  • Rotation


20 Feb 12:23
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Doubling newlib heap size to allow high res. files
Button preferences save correctly
Load scrolled state correctly
Save state on page turn
Version number now looks cooler ⚡


18 Feb 07:58
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Save/load state when closing/opening book
Main Menu looking similar to orig.
Analog panning has bounds
Free icon/logo textures


11 Feb 03:48
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v0.1.0 Pre-release


Changed project to GPLv3 and replace old mupdf with upstream fork of 1.12.0
Note: Statically linking MuPDF has made binary significantly bigger
CMake will pull and build mupdf via git; due to size and number of submodules


Now rendering all documents handled by MuPDF; needs more user testing
BKMUDocument replacing old PSP BKPDF class (has too much PSP specific code)...
Page traversal using Triangle and Square (Isn't this Un-Intuitive?); D-Pad panning only vertically for now
Page fits to width by default
Added more specific debug definitions for rendering, since they eat stdout like cookie monster eating
Can pan using analog left stick, but it's hard to get it back to fit-to-width due to panning sensitivity
Banner shows page loading and page number on change; investigate animation smoothing
Add "DEBUG" flag only on the "Debug" cmake build type; Add accepted files to Logo
Fix for crash due to GPU memory leak: free-ing texture before drawing page

Visual Studio & Desktop

Dependencies now auto fetched via cmake ExternalProject_Add
Shared libraries and binary output in same dir.

v0.0.1 VPK

18 Mar 06:22
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v0.0.1 VPK Pre-release

TXT Files.

Original bookr and bookr-mod archives

20 Jan 11:26
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For adhering to GPLv2.