Playbook to install and configure Sensu.
Sensu does not have a strong dependency on others software (it come by default as an omnibus). But you will need a RabbitMQ server and a Redis server. They do not have to be on the same host as Sensu thought.
Currently only Debian Wheezie & Jessie amd64 are supported and tested. Patch welcome to support other OS.
Just use Galaxy:
$ ansible-galaxy install Mayeu.sensu
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sensu_install_client |
Boolean | Determine if we need to install the client part | true |
sensu_install_server |
Boolean | Determine if we need to install the server part | true |
sensu_user |
String | The user running sensu | sensu |
sensu_group |
String | the group running sensu | sensu |
sensu_client_subscription_names |
List | List of test to execute on this client | [test] |
sensu_client_install_rubygems |
Boolean | Install rubygems | true |
sensu_client_install_community_plugins |
Boolean | Install community plugins | true |
sensu_server_redis_host |
String | Hostname of the Redis server | "" |
sensu_server_api_host |
String | Adress of the Sensu API server | "" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_hostname |
String | Hostname of the RabbitMQ server | "" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_user |
String | Username to connect to RabbitMQ | "sensu" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_password |
String | Password to connect to RabbitMQ | "placeholder" |
sensu_server_dashboard_host |
String | Hostname of the Sensu Dashboard | " " |
sensu_server_dashboard_password |
String | Password for the sensu dashboard | "placeholder" |
sensu_checks |
Complex type | A variable representing the checks configuration. Will be auto converted to JSON | '' |
sensu_handlers |
Complex type | A variable representing the handlers configuration. Will be auto converted to JSON | '' |
sensu_server_embedded_ruby |
String | Indicate if Sensu should use the embedded Ruby, or the system one | "true" |
You need to have the following files in your playbook files/
- SSL certificate for Sensu
- the handlers script needed
|- client_cert.pem
|- client_key.pem
|- sensu/
|--- conf.d/
|----- <all your configuration files>
|--- plugins/
|----- <all your check script>
|--- handlers/
|----- <all your handler script>
|--- extensions/
|----- <all your extension script>
Weak dependencies on:
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
There is some really basic tests with the playbook. It just try to install a server with client, a server only, and a client only, on 3 VM:
$ vagrant up
$ export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False; ansible-playbook -vv test.yml -i hosts -k
The test depends on the following roles:
- Mayeu.RabbitMQ
- redis