API for the Pokedex. Live demo here.
API rest that manages all favourite Pokemon.
Front repository here.
- Node
- Express
- Typescript
- Chalk
- Cors
- Debug
- Dotenv
- Faker-js
- Fishery
- Mongoose
- Morgan
- Nodemon
- Jest
- Supertest
- Mongo Memory Server
You will find all the dependencies at the package.json file. Run the command npm install in your CLI to install them.
The command npm run start starts the server in the development mode. You will need to specify a port to open it in a http://localhost address.
The command npm run start:dev starts the server in watch mode.
- (GET) /pokemon/list -> Retrieves a list of available favourite Pokemon. Body -> Its body must return a list of Pokemon.
- (POST) /pokemon/add -> Add a favourite Pokemon. Its body must return an object with a valid Pokemon.
- (DELETE) /pokemon/delete/:id -> Delete a favourite Pokemon. Body -> Its body must return an object with a delete confirmation message.
Project is: in progress
Created by Xavi - feel free to contact me!