Share Space is a social app where you and your friends can suggest some interesting things to do in this quarantine like watching some film/series or reading an interesting book, listening to some good music or any other interesting activity .
How does Share Space work ?
• Getting Started : You can either sign-up through email and password or use your Google account to sign-in.
• Update your profile picture and status : You can select any photo stored in your phone and update it as your profile picture and update your status too.
• Creating Posts : You can create a post containing your amazing idea and share it with all your fiends. You can like others post too.
• Viewing all posts : On the home screen, you can view all your friend's posts and like them. The posts are updated according the time of upload.
• Other fun things : You can try guessing some puns and know how funny :p you are.You can also meet some random dogs from the internet and select from a number of breeds.
To build and run the app on your device, do the following:
- Install Flutter by following the instructions on their website.
- Clone this repo to your local machine using git clone
- Head over to firebase . Create a new project and get your google-services.json file and paste it in <project_folder>/android/app directory .
- Android: Connect your devices/emulators and run the app using flutter run --release in the root of the project directory.