FPC/Lazarus Components and Controls
Components listed under Native
tab in Lazarus IDE
It need Last version of Lazarus, always Last, maybe from SVN repo, and FPC 3.2
Stable controls is
TntvDotMatrix, TntvTextDotMatrix: for fun, it write or draw canvas as dot matrix.
TntvProgressBar: it is a 2 progressbars in one control.
TntvPanel: Panel with splitter on the side depend on Align property
TntvSplitter: Splitter with assigned control to resize it
TntvPageControl: You can drop any control inside it, to cover it by tab, no need to create page then place that control, it reduce the controls count, or make it easy to add speical panels to it.
TntvTabSet: Page control header, it not content any control, just show tabs.