In this project I used the dataset by Acea about the Doganella Aquifer in Italy and predicted the depth to groundwater by using a Random Forest. The notebook contains my analysis and implementation of my Random Forest model. It is divided into sections for data exploration, data cleaning, statistical tests, feature engineering, and modeling.
- seaborn==0.10.1
- numpy==1.18.5
- pandas==1.0.5
- matplotlib==3.2.2
- statsmodels==0.11.1
- scikit_learn==0.24.1
- Explored the data to find any patterns or points of interest.
- Cleaned the data using interpolation and selecting a time range which would yield the most accurate entries.
- Tested for stationarity and trend by using the ADF and KPSS statistical tests.
- Implemented walk-forward validation with the Random Forest.