API non officiel pour les paiements mobiles le moyen de paiement FASO ARZEKA au Burkina Faso
- Obtenir un compte API avec Arzeka Money (token, ....)
- Installer les certificats fournis par l'opérateur s'il y'en a
- python = "^3.9"
- requests = "^2.31.0"
pip install git+https://github.com/parice02/arzeka.git # with pip
poetry add git+https://github.com/parice02/arzeka.git # with poetry
from arzeka import initiate_payment
token = "<Your arzeka token>"
api_url = "<arzeka API URL>"
msisdn = "<client phone number in international format without '+'>"
amount = "<payment amount>"
merchantid = "<the merchant id>"
mappedOrderId = "<ID for this transaction>"
linkForUpdateStatus = "<URL to call when transaction status change>"
linkBackToCallingWebsite = "<URL to call at the end of paiement process>"
# See Arzeka API document documentation for more detail
payment_data = {
"msisdn": msisdn,
"amount": amount,
"merchantid": merchantid,
"mappedOrderId": mappedOrderId,
"linkForUpdateStatus": linkForUpdateStatus,
"linkBackToCallingWebsite": linkBackToCallingWebsite,
response = initiate_payment(token, api_url, data)
from arzeka import check_payment
token = "<Your arzeka token>"
api_url = "<arzeka API URL>"
mappedOrderId = "<ID for this transaction>"
# See Arzeka API document documentation for more detail
mappedOrderId = mappedOrderId,
response = check_payment(token, api_url, mappedOrderId)
Les contributions sont libres.
- Implémenter des tests
- Écrire une documentation
- Publier sur pypi