Code was written exclusively in ASM a decade ago, making it a legacy project at the early beginning. Code is no longer maintained.
Controls an LCD 16x2 - HD44780 through a PCF8574 I2C expander. LCD contrast is digitaly adjusted through PWM modulation.
Offers a fully functional multi line menu to navigate through the various functions.
Implements I2C communication protocol through bit-banging.
Keeps track of time and sets alarms by controlling the RTC DS1307 through I2C.
Offers a cycle timer and ten absolute timers for scheduling flood and drain cycles.
Controls two separate optocoupled inputs and outputs:
Inputs are connected to the water float switches.
Outputs utilize two 12v/220v - 10A DIN rail relays, for controlling the water pumps.
Upload HEX file using Pickit2/Pickit3 through the onboard ICSP header.
Menu layout: