<div id="carousel">
<div class="carouselCont">
<div id="carouselMask">
<div class="slide"><img src="images/image1.jpg"></div>
<div class="slide"><img src="images/image2.jpg"></div>
<div class="slide"><img src="images/image3.jpg"></div>
<a class="prev" href="#">Previous</a>
<a class="next" href="#">Next</a>
- jQuery
- jQuery 'easing' plugin
Javascript/CSS3 based carousel widget. Uses css3 animations and easings when available and falls back to jquery animations and easings in browsers without css3.
Time that animation takes place in ms
Whether the carousel should auto play or not
Autoplay time between slides in ms
class of previous button
class of next button
Easing - see available easings below
- linear
- easeIn
- easeOut
- easeInOut
- easeInQuad
- easeOutQuad
- easeInOutQuad
- easeInCubic
- easeOutCubic
- easeInOutCubic
- easeInQuart
- easeOutQuart
- easeInOutQuart
- easeInQuint
- easeOutQuint
- easeInOutQuint
- easeInSine
- easeOutSine
- easeInOutSine
- easeInExpo
- easeOutExpo
- easeInOutExpo
- easeInCirc
- easeOutCirc
- easeInOutCirc
- easeInBack
- easeOutBack
- easeInOutBack
Carousel class exposes two events for hooking into carousel functionality.
This event fires immediately when the slide instance method is invoked.
This event is fired when the carousel has completed its slide transition.