Releases: panthernet/ThunderED
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.19
- Added new !sys command for bot admins
- Added warning messages for modules when feeder character is not authed or has outdated token
- Added ability to open posted contracts from Discord message right into the game client (read notes section below)
- Added LanguageFilesFolder param to be able to store customized language files in a separate folder
- Added error message when trying to inspect user in HRM with invalid token
- Added character location and ship info into HR module
- Added new HR users group display named Dump for users who left but hasn;t been cleaned up yet
- Improved auth cleanup (read notes section)
- Improved HR mail readability
- Improved bandwidth and CPU usage for contracts, mail, notifications and null campaigns modules using 304 http response
- Improved auth check module performance
- Fixed notifications feed bug introduced in one of the prev releases
- Fixed excessive renaming attempts when character has very long name
- Fixed new installation upgrade issue
Added new parameter for contract filters ShowIngameOpen - display url in contract message body which will open contract in game client.
When clicked, user will be prompted to pass simple SSO auth to get one-time access to running game client of selected character. Auth data and permissions for this case will not be saved anywhere.
Note that you will not be able to open contracts which are unavailable to you.
CCP application should have esi-ui.open_window.v1 scope allowed. -
Added new Config section param LanguageFilesFolder. Will be handy for bot owners who has customized language files.
Bot will search for language files in the specified folder. Leave empty to search in default location. -
Improved auth cleanup. Now bot validates auth not only for present Discord users but also for all users in DB.
This approach provides faster and better membership management. In addition all users which no longer passes auth will be moved in a temporary "Dump" group.
This group can be browsed in HR module if user has any ESI permissions and is a subject to cleanup according to AppInvalidationInHours param.
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.17
- Added log message to highlight inconsistency in auth group names between DB and config file
- Added warning messages if discord channel is not found when sending some messages
- Fixed the case when bot tried to strip ignored roles
- Fixed mysql error for some queries
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.16
- Added soft lock for a DB upgrade if DB version is below required minimum (for future cleanups)
- Added customizable text fields to auth web page
- Fixed standings auth taking initiative above other groups in some cases
- Fixed timers login error for admins in some cases
- Fixed standings auth error when standings were not yet loaded for feed character
- Fixed structure names in some notifications
- Fixed MoonminingExtractionFinished notification
- Improved and refactored DB backend
- Improved auth backend
- Standings auth now use group names during auth process to avoid confusion with other groups when validation criteria overlaps between those groups
- Added localization string authPageHeaderText which you can erase or change (displayed on auth page)
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.15
- Added admin command rngroup to be able to rename auth groups in DB after its name has been changed in config file
- Fixed possible DiscordAPI deadlock
- Improved console logs display
- Refactored database to use identical table name casing
- Updated DiscordAPI library to version 2.0.1
One SQL error for cache_data is normal during the update process as the vital table name has been changed.
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.14
- Added AllowedCharacters param group to authentication block which allows individual chars auth the same way as corps and alliances
- Added new settings section: Database
- Added support for mysql DB provider
- Improved and optimized internal database handling
- Improved HR module char list loading time
- Fixed !char command to display actual Last Seen data for character
- Fixed timers auth using discord admin roles
- This release features some internal DB upgrades. DB backup is created automatically but please do backup before the first launch to be able to rollback just in case.
- Duplicated user Discord IDs will be purged from DB leaving only one user registration per Discord account (dupes were been possible before)
- Added AllowedCharacters param group to authentication block
- It is now possible to use MySQL database
- Set: "databaseProvider": "mysql"
- Create database using SQL: create database thundered;
- Import MySQL dump file located in content/sql/mysql.dump into created database
- Specify "DatabaseName": "thundered" and other connection settings in Database config section
- Added new Database settings section for detailed DB setup for different providers
- Moved databaseProvider and databaseFile params to new Database section
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.12
- Added option to enforce alliance tickers for users
- Added !lp command to display lp goodies rating for NPC corps
- Added colored standings comparsion in HRM char inspection page between char contact and HR contact for the same entity
- Added FinalTimeMention param for FleetUp module to use custom Discord mention when event is starting
- Added !bs command to display list of lowest standings to NPC corp or faction (nice for FW)
- Added new WebSocket mode for kill feeds (UseSocketsForZKillboard params which is TRUE BY DEFAULT)
- Added new FeedUrlsOnly param for kill feed groups. Bot will post only ZKB url - most efficient but less customizable feed method
- Improved TQ status post to recognize ESI problems and do not post excessive messages
- Improved internal logic in terms of async performance
- Improved kill feeds in terms of performance and query minimization
- Fixed log feed in compatibility mode
- Fixed guest role stripping in some cases
- Added UseSocketsForZKillboard and ZKillboardWebSocketUrl params to Config section
- Added FeedUrlsOnly param to kill feed modules groups
- Removed EnableCache param from liveKillFeedModule and radiusKillFeedModule
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.11
- Added support for HTTPS with new UseHTTPS param (WIP)
- Added new auth functionality: Standings Based Auth (check WIKI for details)
- Added new param RunAsServiceCompatibility for experimental service mode tweaks when bot is running as bg task
- Added new mail search functionality to HRM module
- Added TO field for HRM mail
- Added delete auth button to HRM module
- Improved help text to display actual command prefix
- Fixed minmatar fwstats command
- Fixed mail feed
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.10
- ESI address fix
- Introduced new config param ESIAddress
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.9
- Added extendedESILogging param to general config
- Added contract items to HRM inspection page
- Added volume to contracts
- Fixed contracts filtering
- Fixed HRM mail generation failing in rare case
- Fixed Discord name length error
- Improved contracts settings and added Filters property
- Improved log feeder to send batch messages reducing Discord channel spam
- Improved WebAuthModule IDs to accept list of values
- Improved notificationFeedModule IDs to accept list of values
- Improved liveKillFeedModule IDs to accept list of values
- Improved timersModule IDs to accept list of values
- Improved mailModule IDs to accept list of values
- Look in default config file for contracts module changes
- WebAuthModule -> authGroups -> AllowedCorporations -> Id is now a list of values
- WebAuthModule -> authGroups -> AllowedAlliances -> Id is now a list of values
- notificationFeedModule -> groups -> characterID - is now a list of values
- liveKillFeedModule -> groupsConfig -> corpID - is now a list of values
- liveKillFeedModule -> groupsConfig -> allianceID - is now a list of values
- timersModule -> accessList replaced with AllianceIDs, CharacterIDs and CorporationIDs params
- timersModule -> editList replaced with AllianceIDs, CharacterIDs and CorporationIDs params
- mailModule -> AuthGroups -> Id - is now a list of values
ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.8
- Fixed contracts module and updated lang files
- Added two new contract filters FeedIssuedBy and FeedIssuedTo which are checked against char and corp ID
- Fixed incorrect contracts module deployment
- Fixed corporate contracts feed
- Fixed items display and contracts feed
- Fixed unaccessible contract queries