ThunderED EVE Discord Bot v1.2.9
Added extendedESILogging param to general config
Added contract items to HRM inspection page
Added volume to contracts
Fixed contracts filtering
Fixed HRM mail generation failing in rare case
Fixed Discord name length error
Improved contracts settings and added Filters property
Improved log feeder to send batch messages reducing Discord channel spam
Improved WebAuthModule IDs to accept list of values
Improved notificationFeedModule IDs to accept list of values
Improved liveKillFeedModule IDs to accept list of values
Improved timersModule IDs to accept list of values
Improved mailModule IDs to accept list of values
Look in default config file for contracts module changes
WebAuthModule -> authGroups -> AllowedCorporations -> Id is now a list of values
WebAuthModule -> authGroups -> AllowedAlliances -> Id is now a list of values
notificationFeedModule -> groups -> characterID - is now a list of values
liveKillFeedModule -> groupsConfig -> corpID - is now a list of values
liveKillFeedModule -> groupsConfig -> allianceID - is now a list of values
timersModule -> accessList replaced with AllianceIDs, CharacterIDs and CorporationIDs params
timersModule -> editList replaced with AllianceIDs, CharacterIDs and CorporationIDs params
mailModule -> AuthGroups -> Id - is now a list of values
You can’t perform that action at this time.