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Repository files navigation

A few useful git hooks to integrate with pre-commit.

Hooks that require Python dependencies, or specific to a language, have been extracted into separate repos:


-   repo:
    sha: v1.1.6
    -   id: forbid-crlf
    -   id: remove-crlf
    -   id: forbid-tabs
    -   id: remove-tabs
        args: [ --whitespaces-count, 2 ]  # defaults to: 4
    -   id: insert-license
        files: \.groovy$
        - --license-filepath
        - src/license_header.txt          # defaults to: LICENSE.txt
        - --comment-style
        - //                              # defaults to: #


For Java / Javascript / CSS, set --comment-style /*| *| */. For HTML files: --comment-style <!--| ~| -->.

In case you want to remove the comment headers introduced by the insert-license hook, e.g. because you want to change the wording of your LICENSE.txt and update the comments in your source files:

  1. temporarily add the --remove-header arg in your .pre-commit-config.yaml
  2. run the hook on all your files: pre-commit run insert-license --all-files
  3. remove the --remove-header arg and update your LICENSE.txt
  4. re-run the hook on all your files

Handy shell functions

pre_commit_all_cache_repos () {  # Requires sqlite3
    sqlite3 -column ~/.cache/pre-commit/db.db "SELECT repo, ref, path FROM repos GROUP BY repo ORDER BY ref;"

pre_commit_local_cache_repos () {  # Requires PyYaml & sqlite3
    < $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.pre-commit-config.yaml \
        python -c "from __future__ import print_function; import sys, yaml; print('\n'.join(h['repo']+' '+h['sha'] for h in yaml.load(sys.stdin) if h['repo'] != 'local'))" \
        | while read repo sha; do
            echo $repo
            sqlite3 ~/.cache/pre-commit/db.db "SELECT ref, path FROM repos WHERE repo = '$repo' AND ref = '$sha';"

pre_commit_db_rm_repo () {  # Requires sqlite3
    local repo=${1?'Missing parameter'}
    local repo_path=$(sqlite3 ~/.cache/pre-commit/db.db "SELECT path FROM repos WHERE repo = '$repo';")
    if [ -z "$repo_path" ]; then
        echo "No repository known for repo $repo"
        return 1
    rm -rf "$repo_path"
    sqlite3 ~/.cache/pre-commit/db.db "DELETE FROM repos WHERE repo = '$repo';";

Useful local hooks

Forbid / remove some unicode characters

-   repo: local
    -   id: forbid-unicode-non-breaking-spaces
        name: Detect unicode non-breaking space character U+00A0 aka M-BM-
        language: system
        entry: perl -ne 'print if $m = /\xc2\xa0/; $t ||= $m; END{{exit $t}}'
        files: ''
    -   id: remove-unicode-non-breaking-spaces
        name: Remove unicode non-breaking space character U+00A0 aka M-BM-
        language: system
        entry: perl -pi* -e 's/\xc2\xa0/ /g && ($t = 1) && print STDERR $_; END{{exit
        files: ''
    -   id: forbid-en-dashes
        name: Detect the EXTREMELY confusing unicode character U+2013
        language: system
        entry: perl -ne 'print if $m = /\xe2\x80\x93/; $t ||= $m; END{{exit $t}}'
        files: ''
    -   id: remove-en-dashes
        name: Remove the EXTREMELY confusing unicode character U+2013
        language: system
        entry: perl -pi* -e 's/\xe2\x80\x93/-/g && ($t = 1) && print STDERR $_; END{{exit
        files: ''

Bash syntax validation

-   repo: local
    -   id: check-bash-syntax
        name: Check Shell scripts syntax corectness
        language: system
        entry: bash -n
        files: \.sh$

For Groovy-like Jenkins pipelines

-   repo: local
    -   id: forbid-abstract-classes-and-traits
        name: Ensure neither abstract classes nor traits are used
        language: pygrep
        entry: "^(abstract|trait) "
        files: ^src/.*\.groovy$

Rationale: abstract classes & traits do not work in Jenkins pipelines : cf. &

-   repo: local
    -   id: force-JsonSlurperClassic
        name: Ensure JsonSlurperClassic is used instead of non-serializable JsonSlurper
        language: pygrep
        entry: JsonSlurper[^C]
        files: \.groovy$

Rationale: cf.

-   repo: local
        -   id: Jenkinsfile-linter
            name: Check Jenkinsfile following the scripted-pipeline syntax using Jenkins API
            files: Jenkinsfile
            language: system
            entry: sh -c '! curl --silent $JENKINS_URL/job/MyPipelineName/job/master/1/replay/checkScriptCompile --user $JENKINS_USER:$JENKINS_TOKEN --data-urlencode value@Jenkinsfile | grep -F "\"status\":\"fail\""'

Note: the $JENKINS_TOKEN can be retrieved from $JENKINS_URL/user/$USER_NAME/configure

Beware, in 1 case on 6 I faced this unsolved bug with explictely-loaded libraries:

Also, there is also a linter for the declarative syntax:

Forbid some Javascript keywords for browser retrocompatibility issues

-   repo: local
    -   id: js-forbid-const
        name: The const keyword is not supported by IE10
        language: pygrep
        entry: "const "
        files: \.js$
    -   id: js-forbid-let
        name: The let keyword is not supported by IE10
        language: pygrep
        entry: "let "
        files: \.js$


-   repo: local
    -   id: css-forbid-px
        name: In CSS files, use rem or % over px
        language: pygrep
        entry: px
        files: \.css$
    -   id: ot-sanitize-fonts
        name: Calling ot-sanitise on otf/ttf/woff/woff2 font files
        language: system
        entry: sh -c 'type ot-sanitise >/dev/null && for font in "$@"; do echo "$font"; ot-sanitise "$font"; done || echo "WARNING Command ot-sanitise not found - skipping check"'
        files: \.(otf|ttf|woff|woff2)$

Some Angular 1.5 checks

-   repo: local
    -   id: angular-forbid-apply
        name: In AngularJS, use $digest over $apply
        language: pygrep
        entry: \$apply
        files: \.js$
    -   id: angular-forbid-ngrepeat-without-trackby
        name: In AngularJS, ALWAYS use 'track by' with ng-repeat
        language: pygrep
        entry: ng-repeat(?!.*track by)
        files: \.html$
    -   id: angular-forbid-ngmodel-with-no-dot
        name: In AngularJS, "Whenever you have ng-model there's gotta be a dot in
            there somewhere"
        language: pygrep
        entry: ng-model="?[^.]+[" ]
        files: \.html$


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  • Python 96.0%
  • Groovy 2.7%
  • CSS 1.3%