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Triggernometry changelog

Paissa Heavy Industries edited this page Sep 25, 2023 · 41 revisions

Triggernometry version history and downloads are not available for versions prior to

Released 25th September 2023, download:

  • PR #94, background color fix (thanks MnFeN!)
  • fixed an issue where loop actions were not checked for repository restrictions
  • added security setting for unsafe code execution (disabled by default)

Released 25th April 2023, download:

  • Triggernometry now waits for ACT to finish initializing everything else before processing events
  • test input zone ID is now carried through as if we're really in the zone
  • Telesto default port moved away from the ephemeral range to 45678
  • loops now respect action enabled/disabled status
  • loop actions now respect timings and delays
  • _loopiterator added to autocomplete
  • other minor loop and mutex handling improvements

Released 29th January 2023, download:

  • new endpoint feature to allow outside processes to send things to Triggernometry
  • new endpoint trigger type to enable triggers for the endpoint data
  • additional ¤{...} syntax to specify expressions that are to be passed along instead of parsed (like ${...} would be)

Released 20th January 2023, download:

  • able to copy/paste multiple actions now
  • keypress action has a feature for listening to keypress
  • keyboard pasting disabled on remote repositories
  • option to set async on/off by default for new actions
  • test input now remembers event destination and zone type over restarts
  • when a trigger is disabled, all auras spawned by it will be removed

Released 17th January 2023, download:

Merged a bunch of PRs, thanks to Makar8000 and sandtechnology!

  • #83 Fix Log Message event not sending ZoneName when "Process message as log line" is checked
  • #85 Fix outdated exec script translation
  • #86 Add "true" modulo numeric function
  • #88 Remove default OBS and textaura settings from export
  • #93 Add LiveSplit Action Type


  • FFXIV network event source changed, all events and full event information is now available

⚠️ Please be aware that this is a breaking change, if your network triggers end with a $, you will now get the full network event line including the hash!

Released 21th August 2022, download:

  • fixed constant initialization (thanks Makar8000)
  • default endpoint/password on OBS actions now use the OBS constants (thanks Makar8000)
  • added OBSWebsocketPassword constant (thanks Makar8000)
  • added _const to autocompletion

Released 20th August 2022, download:

(collection of features and upgrades over several beta releases, may have missed something!)

  • added save as CVS button to variable view (thanks Makar8000)
  • zone id restrictions applied on startup properly (thanks Aireil)
  • updated Chinese translations (thanks DDoSolitary)
  • updated OBS websocket protocol from 4 to 5 plus other improvements to OBS code (thanks Makar8000)
  • allow scrolling in Job Lock checkboxlist even when disabled (thanks Makar8000)
  • fix Table Variable last row/column deletion (thanks Makar8000)
  • add null check for _TestInput when manually firing a trigger (thanks Makar8000)
  • add constants (${_const[TelestoPort]})
  • added loop iterator init and increment to loop action
  • fixed an UI problem causing some duplicated strings

Released 25th April 2022, download:

(collection of features and upgrades over several beta releases, may have missed something!)

  • JSON operation can store response in scalar variable
  • scalar variables can now be queried with JsonPath into scalar or list variables
  • lists now support sorting numerically as well
  • trigger fire can send zone as either zone name or FFXIV zone id
  • window message and keypress actions can now target a specific process ID, and broadcast to all windows
  • window title in keypress and window message action is now a regular expression

Released 18th April 2022, download:

(collection of features and upgrades over several beta releases, may have missed something!)

  • plugin listed on ACT plugin menu
  • plugin can update itself through ACT (also the default setting)
  • OBS action endpoint and authentication now configurable
  • template trigger can be specified that will be used when creating new triggers
  • option for refreshing a repository every n minutes
  • includes a repository action for updating repositories
  • mouse operation has a display for current coordinates
  • fixed behavior of startup vs manual repo updates
  • option for autosaving config every n minutes
  • update check button added to main menu
  • test input can be done with zone id as well (thanks Makar)
  • json operations now populate a special variable _responsecode with the HTTP status code (0 if not set, -1 on failure)
  • fixed exception on editing the condition on a loop action
  • two new string functions for converting UNIX timestamps to strings, asctime and localtime
  • convenience constructor for VariableList to populate the list

Released 2nd April 2022, download:

(collection of features and upgrades over several beta releases, may have missed something!)

  • updated to framework 4.6.2
  • new loop action
  • C# scripting feature powered up to be a lot more useful (more information in the documentation Wiki)
  • VB scripting feature removed
  • keypress action has a new mode for sending a combination of held keys (for ex. Shift + 1)
  • ability to launch external editor for script editing
  • _systemtime and _systemtimems are now UTC, just like _timestamp and _timestampms were
  • one time configuration fix for configs, changing FFXIV party sort order from legacy to self-first
  • fixed target source selection on log message action, now network/act events can be generated properly
  • #56, math parser now accepts minus signs after a comma properly
  • #60, importing a new repo now respects the parent node state

Released 6th December 2021, download:

(collection of features and upgrades over several beta releases, may have missed something!)

  • reaper and sage added
  • supports new ACT FFXIV plugin
  • autocomplete on expression fields
  • new functions: hex2float, hex2double, float2hex, double2hex
  • convenience functions for specific data lengths: dec2hex2, dec2hex4, dec2hex8
  • new event source "ACT" for triggers, this will correspond to ACT events. currently emits events "OnCombatStart" and "OnCombatEnd"
  • math functions max and min now accept an arbitrary number of parameters

Released 11th March 2021, download:

(collection of features and upgrades over several beta releases, may have missed something!)

  • mouse click operation
  • persistent variables
  • added string compare function
  • HTTP method added to JSON action
  • custom payload added to OBS action
  • search text box now in focus when opening search form
  • attempt to automatically recover from broken configs
  • various table variable fixes
  • added a check that a node was actually selected in tree
  • welcome screen reworked to be more helpful and to not hide the start button
  • network line format fixes
  • multi-line text auras
  • fixed exception on repo refresh
  • fixed exception on text auras with zero width
  • zone locking with zone ID
  • SSL change to play nice with Windows 7
  • test input now remembers what you gave it last time
  • zone-locked triggers properly respect the zone given in test input
  • headers can be specified on JSON operation

Released 26th March 2020, download:

  • implemented placeholder action that does nothing (can be used to comment long/complicated triggers)
  • implemented named callback action and named callbacks
  • added named callback view to triggernometry state window
  • log message action now includes a logging level option
  • test input box now includes an option to send messages to a specific source (normal log lines, ffxiv network lines)
  • ffxiv state updates are now done on every request, instead of updating only every second
  • added dec2hex function
  • new configuration option to log variable expansions, to cut down on the log noise
  • fixed an issue where ffxiv network log lines had the first field truncated if it started with 0
  • all forms of width and height (w/h/width/height) are available

Released 17th December 2019, download:

  • added mutex operations (acquire, release)
  • implemented new variable editor
  • added special variables _ffxivprocid and _ffxivprocname to retrieve FFXIV process ID and name respectively
  • changed variable view to state view, which now lists mutexes and auras as well
  • better performance with zone restricted triggers
  • added none as trigger event source so that function-type triggers don't have to get matched by event flows
  • actions can now have descriptions, which can also optionally override autogenerated action descriptions
  • triggers can now be specified as readmes, to get them to be highlighted when used in repositories
  • added global string substitution table to allow last minute tts substitutions etc
  • search results can now be double clicked to locate the search result in the tree view
  • fixed an issue where action delay was taken from the previous action in sequential execution
  • fixed an issue where the description of an action didn't mention action delay if condition was set as well
  • fixed issue where trigger references at disabled triggers didn't resolve properly in repos
  • fixed coloring of disabling nodes when creating new folders/triggers/etc inside a disabled parent

Released 24th November 2019, download:

  • added table variables with column and row based lookups
  • added an action type for file operations (read only, will be expanded in the future)
  • added special variable _actionhistory to check if another action in the context of the same trigger was executed or not
  • added a search function to help locate triggers, actions, or actions properties
  • added option to unset scalar and list variables via regular expressions
  • added option to cache JSON request responses to disk
  • added a sequential execution mode guaranteering action execution order and enabling proper dynamic delays between actions
  • added special variable _env to access environment variables
  • added caching for remote sound files
  • added syntax tvar for accessing table variables (tvar:variablename[column number][row number])
  • added syntax tvarcl for accessing values of a single column by seeking columns by content (tvarcl:variablename[My Column Header Text][row number])
  • added syntax tvarrl for accessing values of a single row by seeking rows by content (tvarrl:variablename[My Row Header Text][column number])
  • added syntax etvar for checking the existing of a table variable
  • all clipboard operations are now in Unicode
  • reduced config/export size to about one third of previous size
  • reduced plugin size to about one half of previous size
  • configuration now has options for item-specific cache expiry (by default cache expiry for non-JSON is 360 days, JSON is 7 days)
  • folders with active restrictions applied will now appear purple instead of blue
  • changed trigger autofire and context menu fire to work on live values, instead of test values
  • add more sensible warnings and errors when plugin is updated without restarting ACT in between
  • add more details to aura update related exceptions
  • fixed a crash that occurred when the action delay resolved into an invalid value
  • fixes expression on the action descriptor for disabling text aura by regex
  • fixed an issue that prevented text auras to be disabled via regular expressions

No public release, this was a test version.

Released 2nd November 2019, download:

  • Added developer mode which hides some of the more advanced options
  • Added an option to force fire trigger to main view context menu
  • Added a trigger-specific option to autofire trigger after it has been edited
  • Added a notification button to top-right corner when Triggernometry wants attention
  • Fixed a minor display issue with aura disable action description
  • Version checks are now asynchronous so Triggernometry doesn't lock up on slow responses

Released 31st October 2019, download:

  • Party member sorting is now more consistent with FFXIV's own sorting
  • Fixes crashing with the show/hide on window focus change
  • Aura disable actions now have the option to disable by regular expression
  • FFXIV variables now return more sensible defaults, string values are empty string and numeric values are zeroes (for example, referring to the inparty variable of a nonexistent party member will now return 0, instead of just empty)
  • Special variables _triggername and _triggerid to refer to the name and ID of the related trigger
  • SharpDX is now embedded removing the need to play around with external files
  • Columns in variable view are now resizable

Released 23rd August 2019, download:

  • Ffxivparty and ffxiventity include a new property "role", which will give you either "Tank", "Healer", "DPS", "Crafter", "Gatherer" (blank if not available).
  • Aura hiding now monitors target window focus as well, not just maximized/minimized state
  • Read only mode doesn't disable controls anymore, allowing copying trigger and action parameters
  • Mouse location now displayed when editing aura actions
  • Expand all now available on main tree context menu
  • Fixed an issue where the status bar sometimes lingered after repository updates instead of going away
  • Log now includes trigger IDs as well, so it's easier to spot duplicate triggers with same name etc
  • Fixed a resource leak and a following crash in hardware acceleration mode

Released 18th August 2019, download:

  • Hardware acceleration mode auras split and no longer fullscreen, should fix the taskbar issue
  • Performance increases in hardware acceleration mode
  • Aura parameters are accessible in hardware acceleration mode as well
  • Window title can now be specified for showing/hiding auras

Released 16th August 2019, download:

  • Action settings can now be viewed in read-only mode on remote triggers
  • Gif loading improved slightly, still not a final fix for some transparency issues
  • Collapse all now available on main tree context menu
  • Aura rendering order fixed
  • Lvar functions now include lastindexof
  • String functions now include lastindexof
  • Fixed an issue where the taskbar was getting hidden when using hardware acceleration

Released 7th August 2019, download:

  • Fixed crashes and resource leaks which occurred in hardware acceleration mode
  • Fixed an error which caused manually added repositories to emit an error when saving configuration
  • Fixed an issue where the following properties didn't properly apply when updating an existing text aura in hardware acceleration:
    • Alignment, text color, outline usage, outline color, font name, font size, font style, background color
  • Fixed an issue where text underline and strikeout didn't work in hardware acceleration
  • Repositories now support UTF-8, allowing Japanese characters and such to go through properly
  • Added special variable _fps to retrieve FPS information when hardware acceleration is turned on
  • Removal of obfuscation and transition to open source

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Fixed an issue with the drawing area being shifted too much in multimonitor setups
  • Added special variables _screenminx, _screenminy, _screenmaxx, _screenmaxy to retrieve maximum bounds of whole screen space

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Text output is now hardware accelerated as well
    • With this, there should now be full parity in features between old rendering and hardware accelerated rendering
  • Fixed an issue with ${evar:...} and ${elvar:...} not working properly

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Added some hacks to try to fix weird and malformed GIF animations on the fly
  • Fixed an issue where updating aura image after activation kept reloading the old image instead of the new one
  • Fixed an issue where a missing image file caused a crash
  • Fixed hang when GIF animations defined a zero delay
  • Fixed an update problem where firing the aura a second time still ran in the context of the previous fire, putting sincems etc out of order
  • Fixed texture memory leak when animated auras get destroyed

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Added hardware accelerated aura renderer, allowing linear filtering with proper alpha, text output with alpha, image alpha channels
    • Currently limited to images only in the build, text rendering will follow
  • Main ACT window and Triggernometry user interface are no longer blocked when the log window is open
  • Repositories now have an option to control the audio override setting
  • Added a configuration option that makes "test with live values" the default action when hitting "Test action"
  • Clicking on "Errors have been encountered" now brings up the log window with a default search of all error events
  • Fixed a bug where using the visual guide with a path that contained a variable didn't work

Released 19th July 2019, download:

  • Network log lines now have event ID and sequence number prepended to them
  • Notation ${evar:name} and ${elvar:name} to check if scalar and list variables exist at all
  • Fixed an issue with folder id collisions and reassignment
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where some folders were colored red even though they were enabled
  • On copy paste, folder references on child triggers are now updated to refer to the newly pasted folders (if any) instead of the original folders

Released 18th July 2019, download:

  • Remote trigger repository feature added
  • Master repository list added
  • New window message send action added
  • Folders can now be selected to be fired on startup (= fires all triggers inside the selected folder on startup)
  • Images to display in image auras can now be URLs to remote images
    • It was already possible to specify sound effects as remote links
  • Added show and hide source options to OBS remote control operation
  • Added string manipulation function format(type, format string)
  • Added special variable _jsonresponse for parsing and retrieve values from JSON requests
  • Added special variables _screenwidth and _screenheight to retrieve the width and height of the primary monitor
  • Added special variables _lastencounter and _activeencounter to get DPS information from ACT (in default miniparse format)
  • Added special variable _ffxivpartyorder to retrieve debug information regarding party order configuration
  • Added special variables _textaura and _imageaura to allow access to aura properties
    • Available text aura properties: x, y, w, h, opacity, text
    • Available image aura properties: x, y, w, h, opacity
  • Rebuilt log window with a better view and search options
  • Rounding was erroneously applied to _since, leading to an error of max 500 ms, it's floored now instead for better accuracy

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Master repository list added
  • Fixes to repository update process
  • Folders can now be selected to be fired on startup (= fires all triggers inside the selected folder on startup)
  • Added special variables _screenwidth and _screenheight to retrieve the width and height of the primary monitor

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Images to display in image auras can now be URLs to remote images

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Added special variables _textaura and _imageaura to allow access to aura properties
    • Available text aura properties: x, y, w, h, opacity, text
    • Available image aura properties: x, y, w, h, opacity
  • Rebuilt log window with a better view and search options

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Fixes and adjustments to remote trigger repository
  • Added show and hide source options to OBS remote control operation
  • Added special variables _lastencounter and _activeencounter to get DPS information from ACT (in default miniparse format)

No public release, this was a test version.

  • Remote trigger repository feature added
  • Added string manipulation function format(type, format string)

Released 9th July 2019, download:

  • String manipulation functions are now available through ${func:function name(possible arguments):value}
    • Toupper, tolower, length, padleft, padright, substring, indexof, trim, trimleft, trimright, hex2dec
  • Less scientific notation in numeric conversions, so large and small values are preserved better
  • Aura updates now respect trigger's logging setting, resulting in greatly reduced spam and logging load
  • Keypress action includes option to send a window message to an arbitrary window
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when aura update expressions resolve to invalid values
  • Fixed a rare crash on exit under heavy event load

Released 4th July 2019, download:

  • Alternative trigger event sources supported, added FFXIV network events as the second source (aside from ACT log lines)
    • This setting is temporarily located on the Scheduling tab of the trigger
  • Added an option to Configuration window to enable logging of ACT log lines (on by default)
  • Added an option to Configuration window to enable logging of FFXIV network events (off by default)

Released 1st July 2019, download:

  • Currenttp and maxtp have been removed from FFXIV functions due to game changes
  • Added Gunbreaker and Dancer jobs to relevant FFXIV functions
    • It's recommended to adjust FFXIV party order (or restore default) in Configuration, as the new jobs will otherwise be last on the list

Released 26th June 2019, download:

  • Added _timestampms, _systemtime, and _systemtimems
  • Fixed an issue with aura TTL expressions

Released 25th June 2019, download:

  • Triggernometry is now split into two releases: one for vanilla ACT, and one for the Chinese custom version of ACT.
    • Both will be included in the release ZIPs from now on.
  • Currentworldid available on _ffxiventity and _ffxivparty
  • More accurate timer and delta time catch up for aura updates
  • Fixed an issue with aura animations not playing
  • Fixed a problem where numeric expression evaluation didn't always work as expected inside conditions

No public release, this was a test version.

  • A slightly smarter detection for the FFXIV ACT plugin, no longer bound to the plugin's filename
  • Better logging when something goes wrong in the FFXIV interface
  • Handles alliance parties better
  • All log messages were mistranslated as "Info" level messages
  • Build is now split into two plugins, one for English users, and one for Chinese ACT users

Released 29 May 2019, download:

  • Supports upcoming breaking changes for Ravahn's FFXIV ACT plugin (required for 5.0)
  • Changed internal referencing so that Triggernometry should be usable on custom versions of ACT (for ex. Chinese)
    • These two changes have some impact, so do let me know asap if something has broken!
  • Heading, targetid, and distance available on _ffxiventity and _ffxivparty
  • Added numeric functions arctan2(a, b) and distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  • Added numeric functions sec(x), cosec(x), and cotan(x)
  • Added numeric functions radtodeg(x) and degtorad(x)
  • Arcanist didn't behave properly when providing a custom FFXIV party order
  • Adding FFXIV job filtering to folder no longer causes an exception

Released 14 May 2019, download:

  • Warning message if ACT is not running as Administrator
  • Added casttargetid to _ffxivparty and _ffxiventity
  • Fixed an issue where nesting _ffxivparty and _ffxiventity didn't always work properly
  • Fixed an exception that occurred when trying to proceed without entering anything in Test Input
  • Fixed a problem with default translation for enable folder action, which caused an exception

Released 11 May 2019, download:

  • 你好! 今日は! Thorough translation capabilities allowing internal logging, user interface, etc to be translated to other languages
  • Fixed error preventing creation of condition on new trigger before creating the trigger itself
  • Fixed error preventing creation of condition on new action before creating the action itself
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when FFXIV job filtering was enabled but on a folder FFXIV job information was not available

Released 8 May 2019, download:

  • New boolean logic editor allowing conditions of arbitrary complexity for triggers and actions
  • Update notifications
  • Windows now remember their sizes during a session
  • Paste context menu item was erroneously disabled on the main view when using OS clipboard

Released 3 May 2019, download:

  • Import can now import URI links directly (Load from file -> Load from file or URI)
  • Crafting and gathering resource available as properties for FFXIV entities: currentcp, currentgp, maxcp, maxgp
  • World ID and name available as properties for FFXIV entities: worldid, worldname
  • Fixed a config saving issue that appeared on completely fresh installations

Released 1 May 2019, download:

  • Preparation work for future ACT plugin interface changes
  • Generic JSON operation implemented
  • _response special variable for getting responses from remote endpoint operations
  • Suppressed saving of new condition configuration until new condition editor is available
  • Triggernometry now keeps the previous configuration from last run saved as "Triggernometry.config.xml.previous", so you can revert if you notice you have accidentally saved over a good config
  • By default, triggers created from importing ACT trigger snippets are now set as enabled instead of disabled

Released 15 February 2019, download:

  • Considerable performance improvements
  • Configuration and export size reductions
  • Saving configuration manually is now possible
  • _ffxivtime giving you the current Eorzean time in minutes (0 = midnight, 720 = noon)
  • Or-function had an issue where the result was not always accurate
  • _opacity special variable (in aura context) has been fixed
  • Welcome screen for new users has been added
  • Improved detection for things that have broken the configuration, so invalid configurations don't end up getting saved
  • Control characters in regular expressions no longer cause issues on startup if they were saved into configuration
  • Fixed a problem loading trigger operation skip flags on startup
  • FFXIV party sorting fixed
  • Blue mage added

Released 19 August 2018, download:

  • Sound playback action now has an option to override ACT hook setting and use Triggernometry's own output
  • TTS action now has an option to override ACT hook setting and use Triggernometry's own output
  • Hex2dec function did not parse properly in all situations

Released 30 July 2018, download:

  • Log message action can now send a message for log line processing instead of just logging it
  • Benchmark erroneously measured triggers even though their parent's parent folders were disabled
  • Improved aura cleanup when TTL expires
  • Trigger firing action didn't correctly evaluate the given text expressions

Released 14 July 2018, download:

  • OBS remote control operation added (requires obs-websocket plugin to be installed for OBS)
  • New property "id" exposing actor ID in hexadecimal for both _ffxivplayer and _ffxiventity
  • New property "order" for _ffxivplayer, giving you the index number of the party member in the array
  • _ffxivplayer and _ffxiventity addressable by hexadecimal ID (for ex. ${_ffxiventity[1234ABCD].name})
  • Fixed bug with splitting scalar variable into string variable

Released 3 July 2018, download:

  • in some circumstances, several actions failed to execute:
    • unset all scalar variables
    • unset all list variables
    • remove all image auras
    • remove all text auras
  • a visible warning on the UI in case errors occur

Released 29 June 2018, download:

  • List variables and operations have been added
  • Extra conditions have been added to support easy list lookup
  • Configurable party order for FFXIV party related functionality (_ffxivparty and list sorting)
  • Some cleanup cutting configuration file and export sizes by roughly 50 X
  • Multiline test input box making it possible to send a lot of lines in quick succession
  • Configuration option for using OS clipboard instead of Triggernometry's own clipboard
  • Triggers can now include a description for documentation and usage

Released 22 June 2018, download:

  • More control over trigger action scheduling
  • More finegrained logging where you can turn debugging on for specific triggers or actions
  • Special variable _incombat for determining if you are in combat or not
  • Special variable _duration exposing the duration of the current encounter in seconds
  • _ffxivparty can now be accessed by name as well as index number (for ex. ${_ffxivparty[My Name].currenthp})
  • _ffxivparty and _ffxiventity now include inparty property which can be used to check if the player exists and/or is in party
  • Log view features an added clear log button
  • When you update the plugin to a newer version, Triggernometry will auto-backup old configurations for each version in case you want to return to a previous version
  • Minor user interface redesign
  • Alternate method for aura activation, hopefully reducing instances where aura activation steals focus
  • Identifier expressions for image and text auras were not evaluated properly

Released 8 June 2018, download:

  • Special variable _ffxivparty now exposes level and position (x, y, z) as well
  • Special variable ffxiventity allows access to any entity by name (for example, ${_ffxiventity[Titan].x}), exposing all the same properties as _ffxivparty
  • Discord webhook action has the option to send the message as a TTS message
  • Delete key is now accepted input on relevant views, corresponding to hitting the Remove button
  • Log message action to assist with debugging triggers

Released 3 May 2018, download:

  • UI bug on force trigger checkboxes, not properly applied when opening edit dialog
  • Width and height update expressions didn't work for text auras, now they do
  • Action for disabling all text auras didn't work properly
  • HexToDec numeric function to convert hexadecimal values into decimal values
  • If numeric function for comparison, for example if(3>2,4,5)
  • Trigger action to allow clearing all queued actions from all triggers
  • Button for resetting all variables

Released 3 March 2018, download:

  • Trigger actions and conditions can now be copypasted
  • Minor user interface adjustments
  • Fixed an issue which prevented job based filtering from working properly
  • Fixed an error when trying to open the font dialog when the font size hasn't been initialized

Released 28 February 2018, download:

  • Text aura to go along with image aura
  • Special variable _ffxivparty to allow access to party member information (HP/TP/MP, name, and job)
  • Expression ${numeric:...} allowing you to evaluate a numeric expression in any string expression
  • Expression ${string:...} allowing you to evaluate a string expression in any numeric expression
  • Numeric function round(x) is available in round(x, y) form as well, allowing rounding to specified number of decimals (y)
  • Action conditions are now correctly evaluated when the action is about to be executed, not when the trigger fires
  • Fixed a minor description display bug on actions with execution delay and conditions

Released 22 January 2018, download:

  • Discord webhook operation is now available - announce those shameful Twister deaths to your whole Discord server!
  • Conditions can now be attached to trigger actions as well and not just triggers themselves, allowing for some additional control flow
  • Firing triggers through actions now has more granular control over which restrictions (if any) should be skipped
  • Benchmark features a better breakdown on what evaluation time is spent on
  • Benchmark results can now be copied to clipboard
  • Trying to use Triggernometry on a system with no Windows Media Player was impossible, will now fall back to ACT hooks for sound playback
  • Deleting a trigger action failed to refresh the action list if the list had more items that could be displayed
  • Deleting a trigger condttion failed to refresh the condition list if the list had more items that could be displayed
  • Right-click menu on trigger condttion list works properly now

Released 24 November 2017, download:

  • Trigger copy/paste now available
  • Aura windows no longer appear when alt-tabbing
  • Aura opacity set to 100 instead of blank (0) when using the guide for placement
  • "Disable all auras" action
  • "Unset all variables" action
  • Special variable ${_ffxivplayer} for retrieving current character name in FFXIV
  • Removed unnecessary logging regarding triggers with disabled parent folders