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Authify is a simple and efficient authentication system built with Go and Fiber, designed to handle user authentication securely and flexibly for web applications.


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Authify Service

Authify is an authentication service built using Go, Fiber, and SQLite. It provides functionalities for user registration, login, and JWT-based authentication.


  • Fast and efficient authentication service
  • Supports user registration and login functionalities
  • JWT-based secure authentication
  • SQLite database support with both on-disk and in-memory options
  • Synchronous API ensuring better performance and concurrency handling
  • Rate limiting for request control
  • CORS support for secure API access from different origins
  • Middleware handling for error logging, request logging, and authentication checks

Project Structure

└── 📁authify
    └── 📁cmd
        └── main.go
    └── 📁config
        └── config.go
    └── 📁db
        └── 📁database
            └── data.db
        └── 📁migrations
            └── 📁db_migrations
                └── setup.go
            └── queries.sql
            └── schema.sql
            └── sqlc.yaml
        └── 📁model
            └── db.go
            └── models.go
            └── queries.sql.go
    └── 📁handler
        └── login_handler.go
        └── logout_handler.go
        └── register_handler.go
    └── 📁middleware
        └── auth_middleware.go
        └── cors_middleware.go
        └── error_handling.go
        └── rate_limiting.go
        └── request_logging.go
    └── 📁models
        └── user.go
    └── 📁services
        └── jwt_service.go
    └── .env
    └── .env.example
    └── .gitignore
    └── docker-compose.yml
    └── Dockerfile
    └── go.mod
    └── go.sum
    └── LICENSE
    └── Makefile


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd authify
  2. Install dependencies:

    go mod tidy
  3. Copy the example environment file:

    cp .env.example .env

Database Setup

To apply the schema for the SQLite database, run the following command:

sqlite3 ./db/database/data.db < ./db/migrations/schema.sql

This will create the necessary tables and indexes for your application.

Using sqlc

To generate the Go code from your SQL queries, use sqlc. Ensure that you have the correct sqlc.yaml configuration file.

Run the following command to generate Go code from SQL:

make sqlc-generate

.env Configuration

The .env file contains configuration variables that the project uses. Here are the key variables:

  • SECRET_KEY: The secret key used for JWT encryption. You can generate a 256-bit key using OpenSSL:

    openssl rand -base64 32
  • DATABASE_PATH: The path to the SQLite database file.

  • PORT: The port on which the server runs. For Docker or public deployment, set it as

  • LIMIT: The maximum number of requests allowed per second (rate limiting).

Example .env file:


Running the Project

Development Mode

To run the project in development mode:

go run ./cmd

This will execute the main.go file located in the cmd folder.

Build and Run

To build and run the project in production mode:

  1. Build the project:

    go build -o auth ./cmd
  2. Run the built binary:


Docker Setup

Build the Docker Image

make docker-build

Run the Docker Container

make docker-run

For public deployment, ensure that the port is set to in the .env file.

API Endpoints

Registration Endpoint

  • POST /register
    • Body:
        "username": "your_username",
        "password": "your_password"

Login Endpoint

  • POST /login
    • Body:
        "username": "your_username",
        "password": "your_password"

Logout Endpoint

  • POST /logout
    • Body:
        "user_id": "user_id_to_logout"

Protected Endpoint

  • GET /protected

    • Headers: Must include a valid JWT token in the authorization header.
    Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_token>

Makefile Commands

  1. run:

    • Runs the Go project by executing the main file located in cmd/main.go.
  2. migrate db-up:

    • Runs database migrations using the setup file in db/migrations/db_migrations/setup.go.
  3. build:

    • Compiles the Go project into a binary named authfiy.
  4. clean:

    • Cleans up the project by removing the compiled binary.
  5. rebuild:

    • Cleans and rebuilds the project from scratch.
  6. all:

    • Builds and then immediately runs the project.
  7. docker-build:

    • Builds the Docker image for the project using the Dockerfile.
  8. docker-run:

    • Runs the Docker container and logs the output. The container will run on the host network using the specified port from .env.
  9. docker-clean:

    • Stops and removes the Docker container if it's running.
  10. docker-restart:

    • Stops, removes, and then restarts the Docker container.
  11. docker-compose-up:

    • Runs the project using docker-compose.
  12. sqlc-generate:

    • Generates Go code from SQL queries based on the configuration file located at db/migrations/sqlc.yaml.
  13. help:

    • Displays all available Makefile commands with a brief description.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Authify is a simple and efficient authentication system built with Go and Fiber, designed to handle user authentication securely and flexibly for web applications.







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