- Static web server
- Dynamic web server (MVC): uses MongoDB for the models, pug for the views
- Rest API server: mocking functionality included
- Socket Server: uses socketIO
- Databases: connection: MongoDB, InfluxDB.
$ git clone url_repo target_folder/
$ brew install node
$ cd target_folder
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ brew install mongo
$ brew services start mongo
$ mongo localhost:27017 src/db/mongo/mongo-create-db.js
$ brew install influxdb
$ brew services start influxdb
$ influxdb
$ influx -import -path=src/db/influx/influx-create-db.sql -precision=s
Access MVC test page with the browser
http://localhost:4000/test -
Access API Rest test webservice with the browser (or any other app such as Postman)
http://localhost:4000/api -
Access API Rest test mock with the browser (or any other app such as Postman)
http://localhost:4000/api/test -
Access socket demo application with the browser
http://localhost:4000/socket-test -
Access MongoDB Bear test collection documents (or any other app such as Postman)
* To test API Endpoints (API and MongoDB) you can use the provided Postman Collection file (api/NSK.postman_collection.json).
You can change NSK's configuration to suit your needs. Configuration options include:
- Development server: port
- Development SSL server: enable and port
- Database: enable, host, and database name and type
- Socket server: enable and port
- Routers (static/dynamic/api/mock): enable, host and prefix
* Config file located at src/config/server.js