This library provides convenient wrapper functions for MailChimp's REST API. The API is documented here.
Dependencies are managed by Composer. After installing Composer, run the following command from the library root:
composer install
This library includes a PHPUnit test suite.
Add Composer's vendor directory to your PATH by adding the following line to your profile. This is dependent on your system, but on a Linux or Mac OSX system using Bash, you'll typically find the file at ~/.bash_profile.
export PATH="./vendor/bin:$PATH"
Bash example:
echo 'export PATH="./vendor/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Then run PHPUnit:
MailChimp's API Playground provides access to all API methods via a web-based UI. You can use this to test API calls and review data you've sent to MailChimp.