A command handler for SAMP in C++.
Use PACC package manager.
Add samp-command-handler@0.1.0
to dependencies
field of your cpackage.json
"dependencies": [
Run the following shell command:
pacc install
Include the header file:
#include <SAMPCommandHandler/Everything.hpp>
You probably want to add the following aliases:
namespace samp = samp_cpp; // typical samp_cpp alias
using samp_cmd::CommandArgs;
using samp_cmd::CommandHandler;
Add CommandHandler
instance to your game mode (the singleton is simply for the example purpose):
// In "GameMode.hpp" - the declaration:
class GameMode
CommandHandler cmds;
GameMode& gameMode();
// In "GameMode.cpp" - the definition:
GameMode& gameMode()
static GameMode instance;
return instance;
Then inside OnPlayerCommandText
handle the commands:
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL OnPlayerCommandText(int playerid, const char *cmdtext_)
std::string_view cmdText = cmdtext_;
auto& gm = gameMode();
if (!gm.cmds.handleCommandText(playerid, cmdText))
return false;
return true;
Once you've configured the handler, you can add a command:
// Declared before:
/// No additional parameters
void spawnInfernus(samp::Player player_);
/// With additional parameters
void sendPrivMsg(samp::Player player_, CommandArgs args_);
// The class definition:
class GameMode
GameMode() {
void setupCommands()
cmds.add( "infernus", spawnInfernus );
cmds.add( "pm", sendPrivMsg );
CommandHandler cmds;
Then provide the command definitions:
// For convenience:
using samp::colored;
using samp::colors::red;
using samp::colors::white;
using samp::colors::yellow;
using samp::colors::orange;
void spawnInfernus(Player player_)
if (player_.isInAnyVehicle())
auto veh = Vehicle::create(Vehicle::Infernus, player_.pos(), player_.rot(), 3, 4, 5000);
player_.putInVehicle(veh, 0);
player_.msg(colored(yellow,"You've spawned ",white,"{}",yellow," for free!"), veh.prettyName());
void sendPrivMsg(samp::Player player_, CommandArgs args_)
if (args_.tryParse(1) != 1)
return player_.msg(red,"Usage: /pm [id] [message content]");
auto id = args_.get<int>(1); // returns optional<int>
if (!id.has_value())
return player_.msg(red,"Usage: /pm [id] [message content]");
samp::Player other{*id};
if (!other.valid())
return player_.msg(colored(red,"Player ",white,"{}",red," is not connected"), *id);
// Message other player:
other.msg(colored(yellow,"PRIVATE MESSAGE from ",white,"{} (id: {})"), player_.name(), player_.id());
// tail() returns rest of the argument string
// without spaces at the beginning
other.msg(colored(white,"{}"), args_.tail());
// Inform self:
player_.msg(colored(orange,"PRIVATE MESSAGE to ",white,"{} (id: {})"), other.name(), other.id());
player_.msg(colored(white,"{}"), args_.tail());
// This command function is only an example.
// A couple more checks should be performed.
cmds.add( "healme",
[](samp::Player p) {
p.msg(samp::colors::green, "Healed");
Paweł Syska