Forest implements symbolic execution of LLVM intermediate language and is able to detect errors in programs developed in C. Forest transforms a program into a set of SMT formulas describing each feasible path and decides these formulas with a SMT solver. This enables to prove the satisfiability of reachability conditions, buffer overflows, null pointer dereferences... Forest implements different encodings of SMT formulas, according to different theories: linear arithmetic, polynomials and generic bit-accurate and not bit-accurate translations.
# needed dependencies
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 graphviz meld subversion cmake g++ python2.7
# z3
git clone
cd z3-*
python scripts/
cd build
sudo make install
# llvm-3.7
svn co /usr/src/llvm-3.7
svn co /usr/src/llvm-3.7/tools/clang
svn co /usr/src/llvm-3.7/projects/libcxx
svn co /usr/src/llvm-3.7/projects/libcxxabi
cd /usr/src/llvm-3.7
mkd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/share/llvm-3.7
make -j `nproc`
sudo make install
# compile
# add bin to path
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin/:$PATH
# set environment variables
export LLVM_HOME=/usr/src/llvm-3.7
export FOREST_HOME=$(pwd)
# test
make test
# See how it works
cd test/crest/math/
forest -verbose -see_each_problem
- Tested with llvm-3.7
- Compiled with g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4