This library is now deprecated. Checkout a second implementation of this library here:
- Header-only library
- Fast, asynchronous, multi-threaded processing using:
- Requires C++17
- MIT License
- Reading CSV files
- Writing CSV files
- Steps For Contributors
- Steps For Users
- Continuous Integration Reports
- License
Simply include reader.hpp and you're good to go.
#include <csv/reader.hpp>
To start parsing CSV files, create a csv::Reader
object and call .read(filename)
csv::Reader foo;"test.csv");
This .read
method is non-blocking. The reader spawns multiple threads to tokenize the file stream and build a "list of dictionaries". While the reader is doing it's thing, you can start post-processing the rows it has parsed so far using this iterator pattern:
while(foo.busy()) {
if (foo.ready()) {
auto row = foo.next_row(); // Each row is a csv::unordered_flat_map (
auto foo = row["foo"] // You can use it just like an std::unordered_map
auto bar = row["bar"];
// do something
If instead you'd like to wait for all the rows to get processed, you can call .rows()
which is a convenience method that executes the above while loop
auto rows = foo.rows(); // blocks until the CSV is fully processed
for (auto& row : rows) { // Example: [{"foo": "1", "bar": "2"}, {"foo": "3", "bar": "4"}, ...]
auto foo = row["foo"];
// do something
This csv library comes with three standard dialects:
Name | Description |
excel | The excel dialect defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated CSV file |
excel_tab | The excel_tab dialect defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated TAB-delimited file |
unix | The unix dialect defines the usual properties of a CSV file generated on UNIX systems, i.e. using '\n' as line terminator and quoting all fields |
Custom dialects can be constructed with .configure_dialect(...)
csv::Reader csv;
csv.configure_dialect("my fancy dialect")
.trim_characters(' ', '\t')
.ignore_columns("foo", "bar")
for (auto& row : csv.rows()) {
// do something
Property | Data Type | Description |
delimiter | std::string |
specifies the character sequence which should separate fields (aka columns). Default = "," |
quote_character | char |
specifies a one-character string to use as the quoting character. Default = '"' |
double_quote | bool |
controls the handling of quotes inside fields. If true, two consecutive quotes should be interpreted as one. Default = true |
skip_initial_space | bool |
specifies how to interpret whitespace which immediately follows a delimiter; if false, it means that whitespace immediately after a delimiter should be treated as part of the following field. Default = false |
trim_characters | std::vector<char> |
specifies the list of characters to trim from every value in the CSV. Default = {} - nothing trimmed |
ignore_columns | std::vector<std::string> |
specifies the list of columns to ignore. These columns will be stripped during the parsing process. Default = {} - no column ignored |
header | bool |
indicates whether the file includes a header row. If true the first row in the file is a header row, not data. Default = true |
column_names | std::vector<std::string> |
specifies the list of column names. This is useful when the first row of the CSV isn't a header Default = {} |
skip_empty_rows | bool |
specifies how empty rows should be interpreted. If this is set to true, empty rows are skipped. Default = false |
The line terminator is '\n'
by default. I use std::getline and handle stripping out '\r'
from line endings. So, for now, this is not configurable in custom dialects.
Consider this strange, messed up log file:
[Thread ID] :: [Log Level] :: [Log Message] :: {Timestamp}
04 :: INFO :: Hello World :: 1555164718
02 :: DEBUG :: Warning! Foo has happened :: 1555463132
To parse this file, simply configure a new dialect that splits on "::" and trims whitespace, braces, and bracket characters.
csv::Reader csv;
csv.configure_dialect("my strange dialect")
.trim_characters(' ', '[', ']', '{', '}');"test.csv");
for (auto& row : csv.rows()) {
auto thread_id = row["Thread ID"]; // "04"
auto log_level = row["Log Level"]; // "INFO"
auto message = row["Log Message"]; // "Hello World"
// do something
Consider the following CSV. Let's say you don't care about the columns age
and gender
. Here, you can use .ignore_columns
and provide a list of columns to ignore.
name, age, gender, email, department
Mark Johnson, 50, M,, BA
John Stevenson, 35, M,, IT
Jane Barkley, 25, F,, MGT
You can configure the dialect to ignore these columns like so:
csv::Reader csv;
csv.configure_dialect("ignore meh and fez")
.delimiter(", ")
.ignore_columns("age", "gender");"test.csv");
auto rows = csv.rows();
// Your rows are:
// [{"name": "Mark Johnson", "email": "", "department": "BA"},
// {"name": "John Stevenson", "email": "", "department": "IT"},
// {"name": "Jane Barkley", "email": "", "department": "MGT"}]
Sometimes you have CSV files with no header row:
9 52 1
52 91 0
91 135 0
135 174 0
174 218 0
218 260 0
260 301 0
301 341 0
341 383 0
If you want to prevent the reader from parsing the first row as a header, simply:
- Set
to false - Provide a list of column names with
csv.configure_dialect("no headers")
.column_names("foo", "bar", "baz");
The CSV rows will now look like this:
[{"foo": "9", "bar": "52", "baz": "1"}, {"foo": "52", "bar": "91", "baz": "0"}, ...]
If .column_names
is not called, then the reader simply generates dictionary keys like so:
[{"0": "9", "1": "52", "2": "1"}, {"0": "52", "1": "91", "2": "0"}, ...]
Sometimes you have to deal with a CSV file that has empty lines; either in the middle or at the end of the file:
Here's how this get's parsed by default:
csv::Reader csv;"inputs/empty_lines.csv");
auto rows = csv.rows();
// [{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": "", "b": "", "c": ""}, {"a": "4", "b": "5", "c": "6"}, {"a": "", ...}]
If you don't care for these empty rows, simply call .skip_empty_rows(true)
csv::Reader csv;
auto rows = csv.rows();
// [{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": "4", "b": "5", "c": "6"}, {"a": "10", "b": "11", "c": "12"}]
If you know exactly how many rows to parse, you can help out the reader by using the .read(filename, num_rows)
overloaded method. This saves the reader from trying to figure out the number of lines in the CSV file. You can use this method to parse the first N rows of the file instead of parsing all of it.
csv::Reader foo;"bar.csv", 1000);
auto rows = foo.rows();
Note: Do not provide num_rows greater than the actual number of rows in the file - The reader will loop forever till the end of time.
// benchmark.cpp
void parse(const std::string& filename) {
csv::Reader foo;;
std::vector<csv::unordered_flat_map<std::string_view, std::string>> rows;
while (foo.busy()) {
if (foo.ready()) {
auto row = foo.next_row();
$ g++ -pthread -std=c++17 -O3 -Iinclude/ -o test benchmark.cpp
$ time ./test
Each test is run 30 times on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6650-U @ 2.20 GHz CPU.
Here are the average-case execution times:
Dataset | File Size | Rows | Cols | Time |
Demographic Statistics By Zip Code | 27 KB | 237 | 46 | 0.026s |
Simple 3-column CSV | 14.1 MB | 761,817 | 3 | 0.523s |
Majestic Million | 77.7 MB | 1,000,000 | 12 | 1.972s |
Crimes 2001 - Present | 1.50 GB | 6,846,406 | 22 | 32.411s |
Simply include writer.hpp and you're good to go.
#include <csv/writer.hpp>
To start writing CSV files, create a csv::Writer
object and provide a filename:
csv::Writer foo("test.csv");
Constructing a writer spawns a worker thread that is ready to start writing rows. Using .configure_dialect
, configure the dialect to be used by the writer. This is where you can specify the column names:
.delimiter(", ")
.column_names("a", "b", "c");
Now it's time to write rows. You can do this in multiple ways:
foo.write_row("1", "2", "3"); // parameter packing
foo.write_row({"4", "5", "6"}); // std::vector
foo.write_row(std::map<std::string, std::string>{ // std::map
{"a", "7"}, {"b", "8"}, {"c", "9"} });
foo.write_row(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{ // std::unordered_map
{"a", "7"}, {"b", "8"}, {"c", "9"} });
foo.write_row(csv::unordered_flat_map<std::string, std::string>{ // csv::unordered_flat_map
{"a", "7"}, {"b", "8"}, {"c", "9"} });
You can also omit one or more values dynamically when using maps:
foo.write_row(std::map<std::string, std::string>{ // std::map
{"a", "7"}, {"c", "9"} }); // omitting "b"
foo.write_row(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{ // std::unordered_map
{"b", "8"}, {"c", "9"} }); // omitting "a"
foo.write_row(csv::unordered_flat_map<std::string, std::string>{ // csv::unordered_flat_map
{"a", "7"}, {"b", "8"} }); // omitting "c"
Finally, once you're done writing rows, call .close()
to stop the worker thread and close the file stream.
Here's an example writing 3 million lines of CSV to a file:
csv::Writer foo("test.csv");
.delimiter(", ")
.column_names("a", "b", "c");
for (long i = 0; i < 3000000; i++) {
auto x = std::to_string(i % 100);
auto y = std::to_string((i + 1) % 100);
auto z = std::to_string((i + 2) % 100);
foo.write_row(x, y, z);
The above code takes about 1.8 seconds to execute on my Surface Pro 4.
Contributions are welcome, have a look at the document for more information.
git clone
cd csv
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --config Debug
ctest --output-on-failure -C Debug
git clone
cd csv
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../.
sudo make install
The project is available under the MIT license.