original implementation and demos here (or see first commit).
- apache-jena-2.11.0 (see http://archive.apache.org/dist/jena/binaries/)
- https://pydelphin.readthedocs.io
- http://sweaglesw.org/linguistics/ace/
- The English Resource Grammar, http://erg.delph-in.net/logon
- http://moin.delph-in.net/LogonTop
- http://github.com/own-pt/docker-delphin
First we need to install pydelphin, possible using a virtual environment. See pydelphin documentation.
Next we need access to a Logon distribution. The best approach is to use the docker-delphin.
Pydelphin will need Ace to process the data. Ace is available for Linux and MacOS but you may also use the http://moin.delph-in.net/ErgApi or run Pydelphin and ACE inside the docker-delphin. The local installation is faster. In the ACE homepage, we can get the last precompiled ERG, but one can also compile the grammar with ACE (see http://moin.delph-in.net/ErgTop).
You will need the WSI interace. Clone the SVN repository in the folder
following the steps in
http://moin.delph-in.net/WeSearch/Interface. See the wsi-src.changes
to inspect what do you need to change in the code.
Download the Apache Jena 2.11 inside the wsi-src
See the references for additional details.
From a text file with one sentene per line we created a profile and process it with pydelphin.
delphin mkprof --input input.text --relations ~/hpsg/logon/lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english/Relations --skeleton profile
Note that in the command above, I am pointing to a file in the Logon distribution installed in my machine. But for this step, you don’t need to install the LOGON distribution. You can download the Relations only. But we will need the LOGON below anyway.
Now we have to process this profile with ACE, making the analysis of each sentence. This can be done with pydelphin, calling the ACE parser with the English Resource Grammar.
from delphin import ace
from delphin import tsdb
from delphin import itsdb
ts = itsdb.TestSuite('profile')
with ace.ACEParser('erg.dat', cmdargs = ['-n','1','--rooted-derivations']) as cpu: ts.process(cpu)
Now we export the profile to one file for each sentence with the derivation, MRS and EDS representations. For that step, I have the LOGONd distribution running in my MacOS using the http://github.com/own-pt/docker-delphin
user@c57b3a20ff4c:~/logon$ ./redwoods --binary --terg --home /home/user/wsi/ --target /home/user/wsi/tmp/ --export input,derivation,mrs,eds --active all profile
The tmp/profile
directory can be indexed with the `create-index`
script, see next section.
Download apache-jena-2.11 and expand the tar.gz wsi-src folder.
cd wsi-src
export JENA_HOME=$(pwd)/apache-jena-2.11.0
cp src/common-gui/target/common-gui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war ../image/
./create-index -f mrs -o /Users/ar/hpsg/wsi/image/data/mrs /Users/ar/hpsg/wsi/tmp/profile
./create-index -f eds -o /Users/ar/hpsg/wsi/image/data/eds /Users/ar/hpsg/wsi/tmp/profile
Note that for the create-index
scripts, we need to pass the absolute path.
docker build -t wsi image docker run -it --publish 8081:8080 wsi
In the browser, access http://localhost:8081/demo/. We can now try
_*_v_*[ARG? x]
The two most important steps are below. The image creation and its deploy to a register. Next, the cloud foundry app creation using the image [fn:1].
You may need to create a new apikey [fn:4] and dowload the JSON file
once it was created. The <PASSWORD>
below is the value of apikey
in the JSON.
ibmcloud cr namespace-add brl-krr
ibmcloud cr build --tag registry.ng.bluemix.net/brl-krr/wsi:202007 .
ibmcloud cr image-list
ibmcloud target --cf-api api.us-south.cf.cloud.ibm.com -o brl-nlp -s dev
ibmcloud iam api-keys
CF_DOCKER_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> ibmcloud cf push wsi --docker-image=us.icr.io/brl-krr/wsi:202007 --docker-username iamapikey
The cf push
command and the support of Cloud Fountry to run docker
containers is described in [fn:2] and [fn:3].
Deploy docker as Cloud Foundry app in IBM Cloud
- https://medium.com/@pra4mesh/deploy-war-in-docker-tomcat-container-b52a3baea448
- https://developer.ibm.com/depmodels/cloud/articles/beyond-the-basics-with-cloud-foundry/
[fn:4] https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-userapikey#userapikey
[fn:2] https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/push-docker.html