NOMLEX (NOMinalization Lexicon) is a dictionary of English nominalizations developed by the Proteus Project ( at New York University. The project NomLex-PT aims to create a similar resource for (Brazilian) Portuguese.
The latest version with around 4,240 nominalizations is available integrated in the The list can be easly obtained with SPARQL:
The words are instances of the wn30:Word class from the openWordnet-PT. The classes and properties, the vocabulary are defined in the nomlex.turtle.
- Valeria de Paiva
- Livy Real
- Alexandre Rademaker
- Claudia Freitas
- Gerard de Melo
- [Fabricio Chalub] (
- NomLex-PT: A Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations, by de Paiva, Real, Rademaker and de Melo, LREC 2014
- Extending a Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations with Data from Corpora, Freitas, de Paiva, Rademaker, de Melo,and Silva, PROPOR 2014
- Extending NomLex-PT using AnCora-Nom, Real, Rademaker and de Paiva, ToRPorEsp 2014
- Embedding NomLex-BR nominalizations into OpenWordnet-PT, Coelho, Rademaker, de Paiva and de Melo, GWN 2014,
- OpenWordNet-PT: An Open Brazilian Wordnet for Reasoning, de Paiva, Rademaker, and de Melo, COLING 2012 Demo papers,
- English NomLex project,
NomLex-PT by the team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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Also look in the file LICENSE.