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jandernascimento edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the RoSe arvensis wiki!

Scientific grounds

RoSe is a product of a research, articles and documents have been produced to support and improve such product. The kick off of this research into production was done by Jonathan Bardin, in his PhD. thesis.


An example of how to dynamically create an endpoint for each available HelloWorld OSGi services.

With rose-json.conf

  "machine" : { 
    "id" : "rose-server",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "connection" : [ { "out" : { "service_filter" : "(objectClass=org.acme.HelloWorld)"} } ],
    "component" : [ { "factory" : "RoSe_exporter.cxf", "properties" : { "" : "/ws" } } ] 

With the API

import static org.ow2.chameleon.rose.api.Machine;
import static org.ow2.chameleon.rose.api.MachineBuilder.machine;

//create the rose-server machine
Machine server = machine(context, "rose-server").host("localhost").create();
//Add the cxf exporter to the machine
server.exporter("RoSe_exporter.cxf").withProperty("", "/ws").create();
//Add an out connection, wich will create an endpoint for each HelloWorld services.

The list of available endpoint created with the cxf exporter is published on http://localhost/ws.


The core javadoc is now available on