This repository documents the steps I put together trying to get u-boot to boot on the Microblaze soft processor synthesized on an ARTY Z7-20 board. Available xilinx documentation seems outdated and doesn't help much.
Maybe the info presented here will be a decent starting point to anyone wanting to manually boot u-boot on Microblaze.
The design is based around the ARM fsbl. The fsbl programs the FPGA, loads the u-boot proper image to DDR, wakes the Microblaze processor from reset and then puts the ARM processor to sleep. U-boot SPL is bundled with the bitstream using updatemem and loaded into the Microblaze BRAM local memory.
This repository contains an archived example Vivado 2020.1 project (vivado/ directory) that you can adapt (change the board part and the UART Rx/Tx pins according to your board).
Tested config:
- Memory map:
- 0x00000000 - 0x0001FFFF -> 128KB BRAM
- 0x04000000 - 0x07FFFFFF -> 64MB DRAM
- 0x40000000 - 0x4000FFFF -> AXI GPIO
- 0x41200000 - 0x4120FFFF -> AXI Interrupt Controller
- 0x41C00000 - 0x41C0FFFF -> AXI Timer
- 0x40600000 - 0x4060FFFF -> AXI UARTlite
Ethernet and flash support were not tested yet. For reference, vivado/bd directory contains some screenshots and the block design exported tcl script:
-- Full block design diagram --
-- Address editor --
Microblaze configs: 1
Make sure Vivado and Vitis environments are sourced.
Clone repositories and download prebuilt little endian toolchain for Microblaze:
mkdir build && cd build
mkdir vivado_output
git clone
git clone
git clone
tar -xvf microblazeel--glibc--bleeding-edge-2021.11-1.tar.bz2
export CROSS_COMPILE="$(realpath microblazeel--glibc--bleeding-edge-2021.11-1/bin)/microblazeel-linux-"
Generate bitstream for the block design described earlier (you can use the archived project directly and adjust the board part and Rx/Tx pin assignments in constraints file).
Run the following vivado tcl commands to generate the xsa/mmi files:
file copy -force [glob "[get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]/[get_property NAME [current_project]].runs/impl_1/*.bit"] <path>/vivado_output/project.bit
write_hw_platform -fixed -force -file <path>/vivado_output/project.xsa
write_mem_info -force -file <path>/vivado_output/project.mmi
XSA_FILE="$(realpath vivado_output/project.xsa)"
DTS_SDK="$(realpath device-tree-xlnx)"
mkdir dts
xsct <<EOF
hsi open_hw_design "${XSA_FILE}"
hsi set_repo_path "${DTS_SDK}"
hsi create_sw_design device-tree -os device_tree -proc microblaze_0
hsi generate_target -dir dts
The memory node for PS DDR, which is accesible by Microblaze, is not generated by the current tools. We add it manually instead. Also, in order for u-boot SPL to use the serial console, "u-boot,dm-spl;" fragments must be added to AXI Uartlite IP node.
cd dts
cat >> system-top.dts <<EOF
/ {
memory {
device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x04000000 0x04000000>;
&amba_pl {
&axi_uartlite_0 {
gcc -I my_dts -E -nostdinc -undef -D__DTS__ -x assembler-with-cpp -o system.dts system-top.dts
dtc -I dts -O dtb -o system.dtb system.dts
cd ..
In this example we configure u-boot to boot from RAM (u-boot proper image is preloaded to DRAM by the ARM fsbl). A custom .config file is provided in u-boot-microblaze-howto/configs.
cd u-boot
cp ../u-boot-microblaze-howto/configs/.config .
make olddefconfig
make EXT_DTB="../dts/system.dtb" -j$(nproc)
Create final bitstream which has the u-boot spl binary embedded inside the BRAM local memory.
cp spl/u-boot-spl spl/u-boot-spl.elf
updatemem -meminfo ../vivado_output/project.mmi -data spl/u-boot-spl.elf -bit ../vivado_output/project.bit -proc design_1_i/microblaze_0 -out ../vivado_output/final.bit -force
cd .. script and Makefile logic are used to automate the generation of BOOT.BIN:
cd u-boot-microblaze-howto
make XSA_FILE="../vivado_output/project.xsa" BIT_FILE="../vivado_output/final.bit" UBOOT_FILE="../u-boot/u-boot.bin" UBOOT_LOADADDR="0x5000000"
The generated BOOT.BIN file is available in u-boot-microblaze-howto/output/BOOT.BIN
Hook up the USB-Serial converter on the Rx/Tx pins defined in the constraints file and you should get to the u-boot console:
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
U-Boot SPL 2022.01-00846-g98a90b2730-dirty (Jan 30 2022 - 17:48:24 +0200)
SPL: Unsupported Boot Device!
Trying to boot from RAM
U-Boot 2022.01-00846-g98a90b2730-dirty (Jan 30 2022 - 19:04:26 +0200)
Model: Xilinx MicroBlaze
DRAM: 64 MiB
Core: 4 devices, 3 uclasses, devicetree: embed
Loading Environment from nowhere... OK
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
U-BOOT for