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feat: migrate to 0.10.0 #129

feat: migrate to 0.10.0

feat: migrate to 0.10.0 #129

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: pull-request-CI
branches: [ main, release/** ]
name: Check commit messages
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- name: GS Commit Message Checker
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: GsActions/commit-message-checker@9d8708beab99f811c5fe3a4f98acc4b2f2ba8496
uses: GsActions/commit-message-checker@v1
# A regex pattern to check if a commit message is valid.
pattern: "((feat|fix|docs|style|refactor|test|build|ci|perf)+(\\([a-z]+(.)+\\))?\\: [a-z]+(.)+)|(Merge(.)*)|(Review fixes(.)*)$"
# Expression flags change how the expression is interpreted.
flags: # optional, default is gm
# A error message which will be returned in case of an error.
error: "One of commit messages has an incorrect title. Please read the documentation: docs/dev/"
# Setting this input to true will exclude the Pull Request title from the check.
excludeTitle: true # optional, default is false
# Setting this input to true will exclude the Pull Request description from the check.
excludeDescription: true # optional, default is false
# Setting this input to true will check all Pull Request commits
checkAllCommitMessages: true # optional, default is false
# you must provide GITHUB_TOKEN to this input if checkAllCommitMessages is true
accessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # optional, default is false