- MMM-PublicTransportVVO
Display live departures from public passenger transport service of the 'Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe' (VVO).
MMM-PublicTransportVVO is a module for the MagicMirror project by Michael Teeuw.
It shows live public transport information for Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (Germany) based on api data.
You can enter a delay time for "How long does it take to get to my station?". Then the module calculates the next reachable departures and draws all unreachable departures in a different style or color.
The module looks like this:
Just clone the module into your MagicMirror modules folder:
git clone
You don't need the stationId absolutely. If you want to use the Id, you must do the following steps. But you can first try it with the stationname. Stationnames are for example Dresden Hauptbahnhof or Dresden Bahnhof Neustadt.
You can verify it with the url like: Hauptbahnhof
or Bahnhof Neustadt
If you get an answer from the webservice with your stationname, it's all fine and you can take this instead of the id.
So the parameter stationId
is an object.
If you will use the stationId
as an integer value for your module you have to do these steps. To get it open the browser and type:
After the "=" you had to write the station like "Dresden Hauptbahnhof". You get an array and the last position shows you the stationId.
returns a array including station name, location and given stationId
The module quite configurable. These are the possible options:
Option | Description |
name |
The name of the module instance (if you want multiple modules). Type: string Default value: MMM-PublicTransportVVO |
stationId |
The Name / ID of the station. How to get the ID for your station is described below. Type: string or integer Default value: 33000037 This value is Required. |
marqueeLongDirections |
Makes a marquee/ticker text out of all direction descriptions with more than 25 characters. If this value is false, the descriptions are trimmed to the station names. If the movement is not fluent enough for you, you should turn it off. Type: boolean Default value: true |
updateInterval |
How often the module should be updated. The value is given in milliseconds. Type: integer Default value: 30000 // 30 seconds |
hidden |
Visibility of the module. Type: boolean Default value: false |
delay |
How long does it take you to get from the mirror to the station? The value is given in minutes. Type: integer Default value: 10 // 10 minutes |
showTableHeaders |
Show the table headers with information about location and station name. Type: boolean Default value: true |
showTableHeadersAsSymbols |
Show the table headers as text or symbols. Type: boolean Default value: false |
colored |
should the departuretime shown red if the delay is reached Type: boolean Default value: false |
PercentOverDelay |
it's a Percent Value who is gave the coloredtrafficlights -Parameter the Value of yellow color.Type: integer Default value: 42 Why 42? Because it's the answer of everything. |
coloredtrafficlights |
should the departuretime shown red, yellow or green. it shown red if the delay is reached, yellow if the delay + PercentOverDelay is reached. If its over delay + PercentOverDelay it shows green.Type: boolean Default value: false |
TimeOrMinutes |
Shows Departuretime in Minutes or Timeformat. Type: string Default value: Minutes Possible values: Minutes or Time |
BreakPointTimeToMinutes |
Point when Departuretime is change from Time to Minutes Type: integer Default value: 30 |
Here is an example of an entry in config/config.js
module: 'MMM-PublicTransportVVO',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
stationId: 33000313,
hidden: false,
delay: 0,
updateInterval: 120000,
marqueeLongDirections: false,
showTableHeaders: true,
showTableHeadersAsSymbols: true,
Multiple instances of this module are possible. Just add another entry of the MMM-PublicTransportVVO module to the config/config.js
of your mirror.
- Michael Teeuw for the great tool and many others to build a MagicMirror.
- Bangee44 for creating the MMM-swisstransport module, on which this one is heavily based.
- ChristianGeie for creating the MMM-PublicTransportVVO module, on which this one is heavily based.
- The community of for help in the development process.
If you find any problems, bugs or have questions, please open a GitHub issue in this repository.