Laravel Livewire form component with declarative Bootstrap 5 fields and buttons.
- Bootstrap 5
composer require bastinald/laravel-livewire-forms
Make a new form:
php artisan make:form users.create-user-form
Declare fields:
public function fields()
return [
Input::make('name', 'Name'),
Input::make('email', 'Email')->type('email'),
Input::make('password', 'Password')->type('password'),
Declare buttons:
public function buttons()
return [
Button::make('Create User')->click('createUser'),
Button::make('Cancel', 'secondary')->url('/'),
Declare rules:
public function rules()
return [
'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users'],
'password' => ['required', 'string', 'min:8'],
Declare an action (notice the use of ->click('createUser')
in the button example above:
public function createUser()
'name' => $this->data('name'),
'email' => $this->data('email'),
'password' => Hash::make($this->data('password')),
return redirect('/');
Create a full page form by specifying a title
, layout
and route
to use:
class Login extends FormComponent
public $title = 'Login';
public $layout = 'layouts.card';
public function route()
return Route::get('/login', static::class)
Create a form that slides out by specifying a title
, layout
and route
to use:
class Login extends FormSliderComponent
public $title = 'Login';
public $layout = 'layouts.card';
public $btnText = 'Login';
public function route()
return Route::get('/login', static::class)
The route
method is made available by using my laravel-livewire-routes package.
You can set the initial form data / defaults via the data
array property in your component mount
class UpdateUserForm extends FormComponent
public $title = 'Update User';
public function route()
return Route::get('/users/update/{user}', static::class)
public function mount(User $user)
$this->data = $user->toArray();
Use the data
method in the component to access current form data (you can use dot notation for array values):
public function createUser()
'name' => $this->data('name'),
'email' => $this->data('email'),
'likes_turtles' => $this->data('answers.likes_turtles'),
Most fields allow you to change the way livewire binds data via helper methods that are chained to fields e.g.:
Input::make('name', 'Name'), // defaults to defer
Input::make('name', 'Name')->instant(), // bind on keyup
Input::make('name', 'Name')->defer(), // bind on action
Input::make('name', 'Name')->lazy(), // bind on change
Input::make('name', 'Name')->debounce(500), // bind after 500ms delay
Many fields also allow you to specify a size for the input e.g.:
Input::make('name', 'Name'), // defaults to normal sizing
Input::make('name', 'Name')->small(), // small sizing
Input::make('name', 'Name')->large(), // large sizing
Some fields allow you to disable or set them to readonly, and even plaintext for inputs:
Input::make('name', 'Name')->disabled(),
Input::make('name', 'Name')->readonly(),
Input::make('name', 'Name')->plaintext(),
Specify helper text for a field by using the help
Input::make('name', 'Name')->help('Please tell us your name!'),
An alert box.
Alert::make('It worked!'),
Alert::make('Something bad happened.', 'danger'),
Alert::make('Something else happened.')->dismissible(),
The $style
parameter accepts a bootstrap alert style e.g. success
, danger
, primary
, etc. Use the dismissible
method to make the alert dismissible.
Available methods: dismissible
An array of fields.
Arrayable::make('locations', 'Locations')->fields([
Select::make('state')->placeholder('State')->options(['FL', 'TX']),
Available methods: fields
, help
, disabled
A bootstrap support to the form.
An array of fields display in a Bootstrap Row or Column
Select::make('state')->placeholder('State')->options(['FL', 'TX']),
Available methods: fields
, help
, disabled
, isColumn
, col_class
A button used for actions and links.
Button::make('Already registered?', 'secondary')->route('login'),
Button::make('Go back home', 'link')->url('/'),
The $style
parameter accepts a bootstrap button style e.g. primary
, outline-secondary
, link
, etc. Use the block
method to make a button full width.
Available methods: block
, click
, href
, route
, url
A checkbox field.
Checkbox::make('accept', 'I accept the terms'),
Checkbox::make('accept', 'I accept')->help('Please accept our terms'),
Checkbox::make('active', 'This user is active')->switch(),
Use the switch
method to style the checkbox as a switch.
Available methods: switch
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
An array of checkbox fields.
Checkboxes::make('colors', 'Colors')->options(['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']),
Available methods: options
, switch
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
A color picker field.
Color::make('hair_color', 'Hair Color'),
Available methods: small
, large
, containerSize
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
, readonly
A statement used to conditionally show fields.
Conditional::if($this->data('color') == 'green', [
Input::make('green', 'Green'),
])->elseif($this->data('color') == 'blue', [
Input::make('blue', 'Blue'),
Input::make('red', 'Red'),
Available methods: if
, elseif
, else
A field used to display dynamic third-party components.
DynamicComponent::make('honey', ['recaptcha' => true]),
This would translate to <x-honey/>
and <x-honey recaptcha="recaptcha"/>
in your form.
A file upload field.
File::make('avatar', 'Avatar'),
File::make('photos', 'Photos')->multiple(),
File::make('documents', 'Documents')->multiple()->disk('s3'),
Use the multiple
method to allow multiple file uploads. Optionally specify the filesystem disk to use via the disk
method (used for linking to files, defaults to the filesystem config default
Available methods: disk
, multiple
, help
, disabled
An input field.
Input::make('name', 'Name'),
Input::make('email', 'Email')->type('email')->large(),
Input::make('price', 'Price')->type('number')->append('$')->prepend('.00'),
The type
method accepts a standard HTML input type. As with other inputs, use small
or large
to resize an input. Input fields also support appends/prepends, and even plaintext.
Available methods: small
, large
, containerSize
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
, readonly
, placeholder
, type
, append
, prepend
, plaintext
A radio field.
Radio::make('gender', 'Gender')->options(['Male', 'Female']),
Available methods: options
, switch
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
A select dropdown field.
Select::make('color', 'Color')->options(['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']),
Select::make('color', 'Color')->options([
'#ff0000' => 'Red',
'#00ff00' => 'Green',
'#0000ff' => 'Blue',
Select::make('user_id', 'User')->options(User::pluck('name', 'id')->toArray()),
Available methods: options
, small
, large
, containerSize
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
, placeholder
A textarea field.
Input::make('bio', 'Biography'),
Input::make('bio', 'Biography')->rows(5),
Available methods: small
, large
, containerSize
, help
, instant
, addAttrs
, defer
, lazy
, debounce
, disabled
, readonly
, placeholder
, rows
Used to render a custom Blade view inside the form.
View::make('custom-view', ['hello' => 'world']),
namespace App\Http\Livewire\Clients;
use Bastinald\LaravelLivewireForms\Components\Button;
use Bastinald\LaravelLivewireForms\Components\FormComponent;
use Bastinald\LaravelLivewireForms\Components\Input;
use Bastinald\LaravelLivewireForms\Components\Select;
class CreateClientForm extends FormComponent
public $gridClass = 'row';
public function fields()
return [
Input::make('name', 'Name')
->placeholder('Full Name'),
Input::make('email', 'Email')
->placeholder('Email, example:'),
Select::make('gender', 'Gender')
->options(['Male', 'Female'])
->addAttrs(['class' => 'd-block w-full']),
Input::make('phone_no', 'Contact Number')
->placeholder('(xxx) xxx xxxxx'),
Input::make('street_address', 'Street Address'),
Input::make('city', 'City'),
Input::make('state', 'State / Parist'),
Input::make('country', 'Country'),
public function buttons()
return [
Button::make('Cancel', 'secondary')->url(route('team.index')),
For more examples, read the document.