Dockerfile for building NetBSD release binary
docker build -t netbsd-builder .
- Prepare release directry to output on host (or remote, or another container,....)
- Run container docekr run -v {WhereToOutputPath):/release netbsd-builder {archname}
If you have local source tree on host, specify source volume.
docker run -v {whereToSourcePath}:/source -v {WhereToOutputPath):/release netbsd-builder {archname}
For eexample, when src dir in /netbsd/src, specify '/netbsd' only.
URL for getting the NetBSD source tar ball when not existing local sources. default is
njobs for -j number
for build NetBSD/x68k-current from FTP mirror. Redirect console logs to local file.
docker run -t -e FTPURL= \
-v /release:/release netbsd-builder x68k > /home/mydir/buildlog 2>&1 &
- suport for src.tgz
- error check
- more...