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Keyboard Pass through

Owen Schwartz edited this page Jun 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

Useful to modify default keyboard behavior.

Example Script

#include <Keyboard.h>

char key;
char ctrlKey = KEY_LEFT_CTRL;

void setup() {
  //Put your code here to run once
    Serial1.begin(9600); //Start listening for keyboard commands
    Keyboard.begin(); //Start the keyboard slave device

void loop() {
  //Put your code here to loop
  if(Serial1.available()) { //Check if there is data to read from the keyboard
    key = (char); //Read the keyboard data into a char.

    //Example munipulation; //Hold down ctrl key 
    delay(10); //Wait 10 milliseconds to give everything a breather
    Keyboard.print(key); //Send the key from the keyboard
    delay(10); //Wait 10 milliseconds to give everything a breather
    Keyboard.releaseAll(); //Release the ctrl key
  delay(10); //Wait 10 milliseconds to give everything a breather

This script reads data from the keyboard and wraps it in a key press.

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