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Nested Form Sections with Typesafe Typescript #9345

Answered by chamatt
chamatt asked this question in Q&A
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I was able to achieve a good level of typesafety on this, and I'm using this from now on until we have a better alternative.
The main magic is the following utility function:

export const narrowForm = <TFieldValues extends FieldValues = FieldValues, TContext = any>(
 form: any,
) => form as unknown as UseFormReturn<TFieldValues, TContext>

And you'd define the section as:

// Define the fields that the section will contain
type ExampleFormValues = {
  name: string
  age: number

const ExampleSection = <T extends FieldValues>({
}: {
  form: UseFormReturn<T & ExampleFormValues>
}) => {
  const { register } = narrowForm<ExampleFormValues>(form)
  return (
      <input {...r…

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