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18 repositories
Public- In this sample we show you how to add robust printing support to your Map Suite applications for the desktop, WPF, web or services environments. Using the code in this sample, you'll be able to build a Print Preview interface that lets your users interactively arrange items (such as a map, scale line, labels, data grid or image) on a virtual pag…
PublicHTML5, WebGL Vector Map JavaScript library with any vector data – EsriJSON, GML, GPX, GeoJSON, KML, Vector Tile (MVT), WFS, WKT or WMS, can be beautifully rendered with CSS similar style file – StyleSJON schema. It’s an extension of OpenLayers, and fits any requirements in browsers and mobile devices.GIS-Editor
Public- The Map Suite Android Edition illustrated QuickStart Guide will guide you through the process of creating a sample application and will help you become familiar with Map Suite. This edition of the QuickStart Guide supports Android Edition 10.0.0 and higher and will show you how to create an Android application using Map Suite Android Edition.
- The Map Suite WPF ApplyDirectionPointStyleForLineStyle sample will guide you to draw lineStyle's direction Point on map. The direction Point can be an image or a glyph, it not only rotates the icon accross the angle of the road, but also provides a way to customize the rotation of the direction point. The arrows highlighted in the red circle in …
PublicThe Map Suite Routing “How Do I?” solution offers a series of useful how-to examples for using the Map Suite Routing extension. The bundled solution comes with a small set of routable street data from Dallas, TX and demonstrates simple routing, avoiding specific areas, getting turn-by-turn directions, optimizing for the Traveling Salesman Proble…PerformanceSample-ForWpf
PublicThis is a WPF desktop sample for drawing performance test of MapSuite product. When running the sample, it will render 16,000 count of rectangle shape features at first, these features will be distributed in 4 layers averagely. After clicking Start button the sample application will update 1,600 count of rectangle shape features per 1,000 millis…RoutingSample-ForiOS
PublicThe Map Suite Routing “How Do I?” solution offers a series of useful how-to examples for using the Map Suite Routing extension. The bundled solution comes with a small set of routable street data from Dallas, TX and demonstrates simple routing, avoiding specific areas, getting turn-by-turn directions, optimizing for the Traveling Salesman Proble…