This repository provides a simple example of how to deploy a ClickHouse cluster with ClickHouse Keeper using Docker Compose. The cluster consists of two shards and two replicas.
Ensure Docker is installed and running on your system.
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the project directory.
To start the cluster, run the following command:
make up
This will start the ClickHouse server and keeper containers.
The containers will be named clickhouse-<shard-id>-<replica-id>
and clickhouse-keeper-<id>
Optionally, you can start Grafana by running the following command:
make up-with-grafana
This will start the ClickHouse server, keeper, and Grafana containers. The Grafana will be available at http://localhost:3000
To access the ClickHouse client, you can run the following command:
make client
This will open a bash terminal in the container for the first ClickHouse server (clickhouse-01-01
), allowing you to execute SQL queries against the cluster.
To stop the cluster, run the following command:
make down