The Orchestra S3 Stream Bundle is merely a helper bundle for people that wish to use monolog and save their symfony application logs directly into an S3 Bucket.
It will create a global s3://
stream wrapper that can be used with the usual fopen
, fwrite
, etc.
This bundle requires Services_Amazon_S3. If you do not know where to put it,
look in the vendor directory of the orchestra sample-symfony application.
You should see a pear
folder with the required files (and its dependencies)
If you are developing locally, you might as well want to use the pear installer and run pear install Services_Amazon_S3-alpha
. Keep in mind
that if you want to deploy your application on you will need to bundle your code in the vendor directory as
done in the sample-symfony2 application
For this bundle to function it is needed to register Services_
prefix with the autoloader. There is two ways of doing this.
First is by adding the prefix it self.
// ...
$loader->registerPrefix('Services_', '/path/to/pear/lib');
// ...
The second is by adding a prefix fallback which have the added benefit of enabling autoloading for all Pear packages installed.
// ...
// ...
Let's get started.
Firstly, you need to retrieve the bundle:
$ cd sf2app;
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Orchestra/S3StreamBundle
Secondly, you have to configure the YAML in your app/config/config.yml as access_key_id
and secret_access_key
access_key_id: XXX
secret_access_key: YYY
acl: public-read
Obviously you have to replace XXX and YYY with your Amazon S3 access key and secret key information.
It is possible to change the default acl
used. The different types can be seen in Services_Amazon_S3_AccessControlList.
By default it is public-read
Finally, you have to add the S3StreamBundle to your application kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Orchestra\S3StreamBundle\OrchestraS3StreamBundle(),
// ...
and add the autoload for the Orchestra namespace:
// app/autoload.php
// snip...
// ...
'Orchestra' => __DIR__.'/../src',
// ...
// snip...
You will need to modify your app/config/config_prod.yml to contain the following:
type: stream
path: s3://logs-bucket/%kernel.environment%.log
level: debug
Make sure to replace logs-bucket with your bucket name. The bucket has to exist.
This code is licensed under a 2-clause New BSD license which can be found in this repository under
the file Resources/meta/LICENSE