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Issue Tracking

Rayner edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 1 revision

According to the CS2103T textbook:

Issue trackers (sometimes called bug trackers) are commonly used to track task assignment and progress.

For this project, we have decided to use Jira to document all our issues. This is because Jira comes with a built in epic/task system with workflow stages that are automatically set up for users. This reduces the overhead in setting up a system manually and allows us to develop efficiently.


The Jira kanban board can be viewed here.

Epics and Tasks

For our use case, we decided that an epic would represent an overarching goal while a Jira task would represent a subtask under our goals.

An example would be

  • Epic: Create reusable UI components
    • Task 1: Create a responsive navbar
    • Task 2: Create form controls
    • ...


Jira has 4 pre-defined statuses and they are:

  1. Backlog - These are tasks that have been outlined by have not been started on
  2. Selected for development - These are the tasks to be completed during the sprint (2-week long sprint for us)
  3. In progress - These are the tasks that we have started on and are currently working on / pending code review
  4. Done - These are completed tasks

After creating the epics and tasks, they would automatically be assigned a ticket number and be assigned a status of Backlog.