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zechajw edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

NUS Skylab v2

Skylab v2 is a student-developed project to support NUS Orbital (CP2106) by allowing students, advisers, mentors, and administrators to use the platform to run the program.

Orbital (a.k.a., CP2106: Independent Software Development Project) is the School of Computing’s 1st year summer self-directed, independent work course. This programme gives students the opportunity to pick up software development skills on their own, using sources on the web. All while receiving course credit in the form of 4 modular credits of Unrestricted Electives (UE). SoC provides the Orbital framework for helping students stay motivated and driven to complete a project of their own design, by structuring peer evaluation, critique and presentation milestones over the summer period.

  1. To use a modern tech stack to that it is easier for more students to be enrolled to maintain the platform
    • Skylab v1 uses Ruby on Rails
    • Skylab v2 uses PERN
  2. To improve pre-existing features to support the UX of administrators
  3. To revamp the existing UI to provide a more intuitive workflow for all users of the platform.

This GitHub Wiki is for all documentation related to requirements, design choices, and practices of the codebase.

This includes design choices such as:

  • Folder structure
  • Tech stack chosen
  • Abstractions utilized
  • Dependencies installed

This includes requirements such as:

  • Non functional requirements
  • Features of the application

This includes practices followed such as:

  • Our team and team structure
  • Our issue tracking system
  • Our Git workflow and conventions (eg. branch and commit naming)
  • Our work breakdown structure

NUS Skylab v2 - Backend


Project Organization

Project Requirements


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