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Elixir Shopify App

Everything you need to get Elixir Shopify API up and running.


  1. Clone this project git clone
  2. Rename the directory to a new project name mv elixir-shopify-app your_project_name
  3. Delete the internal Git directory rm -rf .git
  4. Run the boilerplate setup script ./ YourProjectName
  5. Create a new Git repository git init
  6. Create the initial Git commit git add -A
  7. Create the initial Git commit git commit -m "Initial commit"
  8. Setup a Shopify App
  • Add the API key and secret to your .envrc.private
  • Update the allowed URLs to include
  1. Start your database docker-compose up -d
  2. Fetch dependencies
  • mix deps.get
  • mix ecto.setup
  • cd assets && yarn install && cd ..
  1. Start your app mix phx.server or iex -S mix phx.server
  2. Initiate install via localhost:4000/shop/install?app=new_app_name&


Boilerplate idea and install script borrowed from Mirego