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Tyler Swann edited this page Mar 4, 2022 · 4 revisions


Welcome to the Trove Package Index wiki! Thank you for joining me on my mission to make a large ecosystem of useful packages in C++, for C++.

Table of Contents

  1. About the Trove
  2. An Open, Open Source Community
  3. Contributions
  4. Credits

About the Trove

What is the Trove Package Index (TrovePI)? It is (currently) a static website for storing and delivering C++ packages for use by the DDS Build System. A remarkably simple tool for dependency resolution and project management for C and C++ projects. TrovePI is developed independently and aims to help cater to users of the DDS Build System, a rich package environment and development community.

An Open, Open Source Community

The TrovePI is designed to be an avid open source community environment. Packages of all use cases big or small are welcome. Whether it's used by many people, a few team members or just yourself, the TrovePI can offer a reliable place to store and use any and all C++ packages. If you wish to get started on creating a package to be included in the package index, check out the [Creating a Trove Package](Creating a Trove Package) page.

The Trove community also aims to be a safe and inclusive community for everyone. The development of the Trove official site, hosted at "" is governed and inspired by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

A full copy Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct is available in the file.


Much like the packages that Trove can offer, the Trove is designed to be contributed to and developed dynamically to fit the evolving community needs. To become a contributor to the Package Index, read the file.

For contributions to in the form of new packages, check out the Creating a Package Page.

Contributions to individual packages are documented by the package itself.

A Note from oraqlle

The Trove Package Index is a personal project that I (oraqlle0 intend to bring to the world. I want this to a viable option for users to consume, distribute and share packages for C++ and I hope people see this too. Please make suggestions, contribute and help me bring a little good to the world.

- Regards, oraqlle


  • Original Author: Tyler Swann (oraqlle) :>>
  • Host: Netlify
  • Site Builder: Zola