Thanks for looking into OPS4J Ramler, a code and documentation generator for the RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML).
In OPS4J, everyone is invited to contribute. We don't require any paperwork or community reputation. All we ask you is to move carefully and to clean up after yourself:
- Describe your problem or enhancement request before submitting a solution.
- Submit a JIRA issue before creating a pull request. This is required for the release notes.
- For discussions, the mailing list is more suitable than JIRA.
- Any bugfix or new feature must be covered by regression tests.
- Respect the coding style and formatting conventions of existing sources. There is an Eclipse formatter in
You'll need a machine with Java 8+ and Apache Maven 3.3.1+ installed.
git clone git://
cd org.ops4j.ramler
Run Build:
mvn clean install
Releases go to Maven Central.
- JIRA project RAMLER
There is a Google Groups list for all OPS4J projects:
We have a continuous integration build set up here:
Snapshot artifacts are being published to:
The OPS4J Team.