The purpose of this repo is simple: explore new technologies by building whatever I can in an hour. Here's how it breaks down:
- Create a spec that is straight-forward and rock-solid that clearly defines the scope of the project.
- Set a timer, down some caffeine, and get started programming
- Finish the project (hopefully in an hour or less)
- Document the SLOC and the concepts covered by the application (e.g., submitting a form using ember.js)
- Document any issues that were encountered while coding (especially if the project went over one hour)
The goal of this build project was learn more about the following concepts in
[programming language, library, etc.,]:
* Individual list of different concepts to learn goes here.
* **SLOC:** [Source Lines of Code]
* **Dev Time:** [hh:mm:ss]
Detailed requirements go here. Make sure you include things like error messages
that should be displayed, expected happy and negative path info
(what happens when it works and what happens when something goes wrong). Write
the requirements as if you were going to give them to another developer.
Post Mortem
Here's where you write about what you learned from the build. You want to be as
detailed as possible and include information about anything you found
particularly interesting as well as areas where you struggled or got stuck.
If the project took longer than you expected (especially if it went over an
hour), include information about possible causes and how you might avoid the
issue next time.