The UAA (User Account & Administration) Service deals with the administration of Users
like creating new Users
, updating
properties of existing ones or deleting them. Application permissions are not directly granted to Users
explicitly, but to Roles
instead. Users
are assigned to Roles
and application permissions were granted to particular Roles
. An administration API for Roles
and permissions is especially required for a UI application.
An User
has embedded UserDetails
, and Emails
assigned. However, the password history of the User
is managed and compared against new
passwords. An User
can be assigned to multiple Roles
. A Role
is a SecurityObject
in general and has multiple Grants
assigned. A
is a permission that can be used in a client application.
Find more information about the service on the microservice wiki page
Build a runnable fat jar with execution of all unit and in-memory database integrations:
$ mvnw package
Run the Sonar analysis:
$ mvnw package -Psonar
After the binary has been built it can be started from command line. No other infrastructure services are required to run this service.
$ java -jar target/openwms-core-uaa-exec.jar
In a distributed Cloud environment the service can itself register on a central discovery service - currently Eureka is supported only. This
behavior can be enabled by activating the Spring Profile DISTRIBUTED
$ java -jar target/openwms-core-uaa-exec.jar
Now the UAA service is registered at the discovery service at startup and can be looked up by other services by its name uaa-service
$ mvn deploy -Prelease,gpg
$ mvn package,TEST -Psonar
$ mvn site scm-publish:publish-scm