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Added DistributionBayesianNetwork
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This class allows to create and manipulate general continuous bayesian networks given a DAG and a set of distributions for each node. For nodes without parents, the distribution is its marginal distribution, for the other nodes it is a way to define the conditional distribution of the node given its parents.
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regislebrun committed Jun 17, 2024
1 parent 60806dd commit ec0a06c
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Showing 10 changed files with 538 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ ot_add_source_file ( ContinuousBayesianNetwork.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( ContinuousBayesianNetworkFactory.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( ContinuousPC.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( ContinuousMIIC.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( DistributionBayesianNetwork.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( TabuList.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( JunctionTreeBernsteinCopula.cxx )
ot_add_source_file ( JunctionTreeBernsteinCopulaFactory.cxx )
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ ot_install_header_file ( ContinuousBayesianNetwork.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( ContinuousBayesianNetworkFactory.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( ContinuousPC.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( ContinuousMIIC.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( DistributionBayesianNetwork.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( TabuList.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( JunctionTreeBernsteinCopula.hxx )
ot_install_header_file ( JunctionTreeBernsteinCopulaFactory.hxx )
Expand Down
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/DistributionBayesianNetwork.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
* @brief The DistributionBayesianNetwork distribution
* Copyright 2010-2024 Airbus-LIP6-Phimeca
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this library. If not, see <>.

#include "otagrum/DistributionBayesianNetwork.hxx"
#include <cmath>

#include <openturns/DistFunc.hxx>
#include <openturns/Exception.hxx>
#include <openturns/OSS.hxx>
#include <openturns/PersistentObjectFactory.hxx>
#include <openturns/RandomGenerator.hxx>
#include <openturns/SpecFunc.hxx>

using namespace OT;

namespace OTAGRUM


static const Factory<DistributionBayesianNetwork>

/* Default constructor */
: ContinuousDistribution()
, dag_()
, joints_(0)
setDAGAndJoints(dag_, joints_);

/* Parameters constructor */
DistributionBayesianNetwork::DistributionBayesianNetwork(const NamedDAG &dag,
const DistributionCollection & joints)
: ContinuousDistribution()
, dag_(dag)
, joints_(0)
setDAGAndJoints(dag, joints);

/* Comparison operator */
Bool DistributionBayesianNetwork::
operator==(const DistributionBayesianNetwork &other) const
if (this == &other)
return true;
return (dag_ == other.dag_) &&
(joints_ == other.joints_);

Bool DistributionBayesianNetwork::equals(
const DistributionImplementation &other) const
const DistributionBayesianNetwork *p_other =
dynamic_cast<const DistributionBayesianNetwork *>(&other);
return p_other && (*this == *p_other);

/* String converter */
String DistributionBayesianNetwork::__repr__() const
OSS oss(true);
oss << "class=" << DistributionBayesianNetwork::GetClassName()
<< " name=" << getName() << " dimension=" << getDimension()
<< " dag=" << dag_ << " joints=" << joints_;
return oss;

String DistributionBayesianNetwork::__str__(const String &offset) const
OSS oss(false);
oss << offset << getClassName() << "(dag=" << dag_
<< ", joints=" << joints_ << ")";
return oss;

/* Virtual constructor */
DistributionBayesianNetwork *DistributionBayesianNetwork::clone() const
return new DistributionBayesianNetwork(*this);

/* Compute the numerical range of the distribution given the parameters values
void DistributionBayesianNetwork::computeRange()
const UnsignedInteger dimension = dag_.getSize();
Point lower(dimension);
Point upper(dimension);
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < dimension; ++i)
const Interval rangeI(joints_[i].getRange());
const UnsignedInteger dimI = joints_[i].getDimension();
// Check if the current node is a root node
lower[i] = rangeI.getLowerBound()[dimI - 1];
upper[i] = rangeI.getUpperBound()[dimI - 1];
} // i
setRange(Interval(lower, upper));

/* Get one realization of the distribution */
Point DistributionBayesianNetwork::getRealization() const
const UnsignedInteger dimension = getDimension();
Point result(dimension);
const Indices order(dag_.getTopologicalOrder());

// The generation works this way:
// + go through the nodes according to a topological order wrt the dag
// + the ith node in this order has a global index order[i]
// + its parents have global indices parents[i]
// + for the ith node, sample the conditional joint corresponding
// to the multivariate joint linked to this node.
// The convention is that the (d-1) first components of this distribution
// is the distribution of the parents of the node IN THE CORRECT ORDER
// whild the d-th component is the current node.
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < order.getSize(); ++i)
const UnsignedInteger globalI = order[i];
const Distribution joint(joints_[globalI]);
const Indices parents(dag_.getParents(globalI));
const UnsignedInteger conditioningDimension(parents.getSize());
if (conditioningDimension == 0)
result[globalI] = joint.getRealization()[0];
Point y(conditioningDimension);
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < conditioningDimension; ++j)
y[j] = result[parents[j]];
result[globalI] = joint.computeConditionalQuantile(
RandomGenerator::Generate(), y);
} // i
return result;

/* Get the PDF of the distribution */
Scalar DistributionBayesianNetwork::computePDF(const Point &point) const
const Indices order(dag_.getTopologicalOrder());
Scalar pdf = 1.0;
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < order.getSize(); ++i)
const UnsignedInteger globalI = order[i];
const Distribution joint(joints_[globalI]);
const Indices parents(dag_.getParents(globalI));
const UnsignedInteger conditioningDimension(parents.getSize());
const Scalar x = point[globalI];
if (conditioningDimension == 0)
pdf *= joint.computePDF(x);
Point y(conditioningDimension);
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < conditioningDimension; ++j)
y[j] = point[parents[j]];
const Scalar conditionalPDF =
joint.computeConditionalPDF(x, y);
pdf *= conditionalPDF;
if (!(pdf > 0.0)) return 0.0;
} // i
return pdf;

/* Get the log-PDF of the distribution */
Scalar DistributionBayesianNetwork::computeLogPDF(const Point &point) const
const Indices order(dag_.getTopologicalOrder());
Scalar logPDF = 0.0;
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < order.getSize(); ++i)
const UnsignedInteger globalI = order[i];
const Distribution joint(joints_[globalI]);
const Indices parents(dag_.getParents(globalI));
const UnsignedInteger conditioningDimension(parents.getSize());
const Scalar x = point[globalI];
if (conditioningDimension == 0)
logPDF += joint.computeLogPDF(x);
Point y(conditioningDimension);
for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < conditioningDimension; ++j)
y[j] = point[parents[j]];
const Scalar conditionalPDF =
joint.computeConditionalPDF(x, y);
if (!(conditionalPDF > 0.0))
return -SpecFunc::MaxScalar;
logPDF += std::log(conditionalPDF);
} // i
return logPDF;

/* DAG and joints accessor */
void DistributionBayesianNetwork::setDAGAndJoints(const NamedDAG &dag,
const DistributionCollection & joints)
const Indices order(dag.getTopologicalOrder());
const UnsignedInteger size = order.getSize();
if (joints.getSize() != size) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "Error: expected a collection of joints of size=" << size << ", got size=" << joints.getSize();
for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < order.getSize(); ++i)
const UnsignedInteger globalIndex = order[i];
if (joints[globalIndex].getDimension() != dag.getParents(globalIndex).getSize() + 1)
throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE)
<< "Error: expected a joint of dimension="
<< dag.getParents(globalIndex).getSize() + 1 << " for node=" << globalIndex
<< " and its parents=" << dag.getParents(globalIndex)
<< ", got dimension=" << joints[globalIndex].getDimension();
dag_ = dag;
joints_ = joints;

gum::DAG DistributionBayesianNetwork::getDAG() const
return dag_.getDAG();

Indices DistributionBayesianNetwork::getParents(const UnsignedInteger nodeId) const
return dag_.getParents(nodeId);

DistributionBayesianNetwork::getMarginal(const UnsignedInteger i) const
if (i >= joints_.getSize()) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "The index of a marginal distribution must be in the range [0, dim-1]";
if (joints_[i].getDimension() == 1)
return joints_[i];
throw NotYetImplementedException(HERE) << "In getMarginal";

DistributionBayesianNetwork::getJoints() const
return joints_;

DistributionBayesianNetwork::getJointAtNode(const UnsignedInteger i) const
if (i >= joints_.getSize()) throw InvalidArgumentException(HERE) << "The index of a joint distribution must be in the range [0, dim-1]";
return joints_[i];

/* Method save() stores the object through the StorageManager */
void DistributionBayesianNetwork::save(Advocate &adv) const
adv.saveAttribute("dag_", dag_);
adv.saveAttribute("joints_", joints_);

/* Method load() reloads the object from the StorageManager */
void DistributionBayesianNetwork::load(Advocate &adv)
adv.loadAttribute("dag_", dag_);
adv.loadAttribute("joints_", joints_);

} // namespace OTAGRUM

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