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Pagerduty-CLI to reduce the time taken from when SRE receives a PD alert to when troubleshooting on the cluster actually begins


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kite is an integration of go-pagerduty and ocm-container which lets you spawn ocm-container with automatic cluster login and other features based on the PagerDuty alert.

Note that kite is not a reinvention of another PagerDuty CLI tool instead it is a wrapper over go-pagerduty and provides you with all go-pagerduty cli features and much more.


  • Users can select the alert, which they want to work upon, through CLI, and they will be able to quickly login to the cluster, using ocm-container, without having to copy-paste information from the alert metadata.
  • Users will be provided with alert metadata in the terminal.
  • Users can switch between different PagerDuty teams they're a part of.
  • Users can acknowledge incidents assigned to them.
  • Users can see whom the alerts have been assigned to
  • Users can navigate between Tmux windows and tabs using key shortcuts
  • Users can query who is oncall for each escalation.
  • Users can query when are they scheduled next for oncall.
  • Users can navigate between previous and next layer of oncall schedule.
  • Users can view the SOP of a particular alert
  • kite requires zero configuration, just one-time login is required.


You will need to have ocm-container installed and configured locally for the cluster login functionality to work.

For further installation instructions please follow the repository docs.


Option 1: Download binary

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page.
  2. Extract the package
  3. Copy kite to your $GOPATH/bin(or any other location on the $PATH):

Option 2: Install binary

First clone the repository somewhere in your $PATH. A common place would be within your $GOPATH.


$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone .

You need to have go installed, the minimum required version is go 1.18.

Build and copy kite to your $GOPATH/bin:

$ make install

Option 3: Build from source

This command will build the PagerDuty CLI binary, named kite. This binary will be created in the root of your project folder.

$ make build

Layout and Navigation

Terminal Multiplexer

Kite is using a terminal/window multiplexing similar to Tmux. The terminal multiplexer is integrated with both alerts and oncall view. A new window/terminal is refered as slide. The default shell is loaded when a new slide is added

Terminal Multiplexer Navigation

The navigation related shortcuts are as follows:

Action Key Comment
Next Slide Ctrl + N / n Moves to next slide
Previous Slide Ctrl + P / p Moves to previous slide
Add Slide Ctrl + S / s Adds a new shell slide
Add Slide ocm-container Ctrl + O / o Adds a ocm-container slide
Change to Slide with [Num] Ctrl + B + [Num] Move to a particular slide
Exit Slide Ctrl + E / e Exit a slide
Quit Ctrl + Q / q Exit kite

List of Avaialble Commands


  • In order to use any PagerDuty CLI features you will have to login first.
  • This tool needs zero-configuration, thus only a one-time login is required.
  • In order to login, a user must have a
1. Valid PagerDuty API key.
2. Valid GitHub Access Token 

Note - For the GitHub Token, generate a classsic token with read-only access

To log into PagerDuty CLI use the command:

kite login

This will prompt the user for the PagerDuty API key and GitHub Token with necessary instructions of how to generate one. The API key and Token will be saved for future use to the ~/.config/kite/config.json file.

The login command has options to overwrite the existing API key or the GitHub Token. For example, if you want to login via another user account or your API key has changed, you can login like this:

kite login --api-key <api-key>


A user account might belong to a single or multiple pagerduty teams.

To set (or) change your kite team, use the command:

kite teams

This will list out all the teams a user is a part of and will prompt the user to select a team for kite.


To view the PagerDuty alerts, use the command:

kite alerts

To view the PagerDuty alerts that have been assigned to your team, use the command:

kite alerts --assigned-to team

To view the PagerDuty alerts that have been assigned to silentTest, use the command:

kite alerts --assigned-to silentTest

This will list all the alerts assigned to self by default.

You can modify the alerts returned with the assigned-to option, you can either choose to list alerts which are assigned to self, team or silentTest.

When viewing alerts assigned to self, only acknowledged incident alerts are displayed.


--assigned-to          Filter alerts based on user or team (default "self") 
--columns              Specify which columns to display separated by commas without any space in between 
                       (default ",alert,,,status,severity")

Alerts View Navigation

By default, all the incident alerts are displayed in the main view.

Action Key Comment
View acknowledged incidents 1 Displays all acknowledged incidents.
View triggered incidents 2 Displays all open incidents assigned to the user.
View alert data Enter Displays the alert details.
Cluster login Y / y In the alert details view, once pressed, spawns an ocm-container instance and proceeds with login into the alert specific cluster.
View SOP S / s Displays the SOP for that alert
View Service Logs L / l Displays the Service Logs
Refresh alerts R / r Refreshes the alerts
Go back Esc Navigate to the previous page.
Quit Q / q Exit the application.

Incidents View Navigation

When a user navigates to [3] trigerred incidents page.

Action Key Comment
View alerts for an incident Enter Lists all the alerts related to the incident. If there is a single alert, then it open ups the alert metadata
Acknowledge incident(s) ctrl-a Acknowledge the selected incidents.
Go back Esc Navigate back to alerts main view.

View Service Logs

An alerting cluster's service logs can be viewed while viewing the alert data by pressing L/l.

View SOP for the alert

To view SOP related to a particular alert, the user can run these commands:

  • To select an alert and view its metadata press enter
  • To view SOP, press S This will open a the SOP in a new slide. A user needs to make sure they have access to ops-sop repository


To view the current oncalls as per PagerDuty, use the command:

kite oncall

Oncall View Navigation

By default, all the escalations and Oncalls are displayed for team Platform-SRE in the main view.

Action Key Comment
All teams oncall A / a Displays escalations and oncalls for all teams.
Your next oncall schedule N / n Displays your oncall schedule.
Previous layer oncall [<-] Displays previous layer of oncall schedule.
Next layer oncall [->] Displays next layer oncall schedule.
Go back Esc Navigate to the previous page.
Quit Q / q Exit the application.

Running Tests

The test suite uses the Ginkgo to run comprehensive tests using Behavior-Driven Development.
The mocking framework used for testing is gomock.

This command runs all the tests present within the 'tests' folder by default.

$ make test

Use the mockgen command to generate source code for a mock class given a Go source file containing interfaces to be mocked.

$ mockgen -source=foo.go -destination=mock/foo_mock.go

List of known Bugs

There are a few bugs that have crawled up during the development. These are listed below :

  • Auto completion changes moves cursor to different position but text typing continues from same position.
  • Use of mouse causes random text to be typed in the terminal.
  • Block cursor does not move with the text being typed (Quick Fix : Changing cursor style to line).
  • When viewing an SOP, if the relative link is present for another SOP file, the new SOP might not get opened (The URL needs to be absolute for the SOP navigtaion to work).



Please help us improve. Contact the Red Hat SRE-P team via:

  • @pagerduty-short-circuiter in slack channel #forum-kite or #sd-sre-platform (redhat-internal workspace)
  • Or reach out to the OWNERS.


Pagerduty-CLI to reduce the time taken from when SRE receives a PD alert to when troubleshooting on the cluster actually begins



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