This repository holds release specific content for cert-manager-operator mainly the Containerfiles which comply with the requirements for releasing builds through konflux. Repository also holds tekton configuration code added by konflux bots and cert-manager-operator and operand's(cert-manager) repositories are added as git submodules.
Use below command to clone the project since it has submodules configured. By default, when we clone a project with submodules configured, the directories of the submodules are created but will not be initialized with content. With below command, it will automatically initialize and update each submodule in the repository, including nested submodules if any of the submodules in the repository have submodules themselves.
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules `fork_repository_web_url`
Repository contains below repositories added as git submodules which was created to keep release specific content outside the main code repository for better management.
In each release branch the git submodules are configured with equivalent release branch in their respective origin repositories. And when switching the parent repository between different branches, the submodule branches will not be automatically switched and requires using below command for the same.
make switch-submodules-branch
Use below command to update submodules to the revision same as their origin repository using below command.
make update-submodules
Use the command below to get usage summary and interact with the repository.
make help