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This project helps to run the development environment of locally. It heavily relies on Docker and docker-compose.

How does it work?


This is the list of services run by APITaxi_devel.

  • api: our main API, APITaxi used by operators and search providers to register and request taxis.
  • console: frontend used by operators and search providers to see dashboards, manage credentials and access documentation.
  • worker: asynchronous celery tasks of api.
  • worker-beat: celery-beat process, to run periodic tasks to clean database or store statistics.
  • geotaxi: UDP server which receives real-time locations from operators and store them in redis.
  • minimal-operateur-server: our example project of an operator API, which receives hail requests from APITaxi.
  • minimal-operateur-server-worker: python-rq project to run asynchronous tasks of minimal_operateur_server.
  • geofaker: custom project to send fake data to geotaxi.
  • db: PostgreSQL backend of api and worker.
  • redis: redis backend of api, worker, and geotaxi. Contains taxis locations in real-time. Also used as celery broker.
  • swagger: web interface to expose the API reference documentation. Documentation is retrieved from the api endpoint /swagger.json.
  • flower: celery-flower web interface to monitor celery tasks.
  • fluentd: fluentd is an opensource data collector, which receives logs from geoataxi.
  • influxdb: influxdb is an opensource time series database which stores statistics generated by worker, displayed in grafana and read by api.
  • grafana: grafana is an opensource visualization dashboard which displays data stored in influxdb.

File structure

  • docker-compose.yml declares all the infrastructure components: APIs, databases, workers. "Homemade" projects like APIs and workers use images built by the Makefile. Other containers use images published on the docker hub (postgres, redis, ...).
  • Makefile contains commands often executed when you work locally. Run make to view available commands.
  • containers/ gathers Dockerfiles, Docker entrypoints, and configuration files to create the development version of homemade images.
  • projects/ contains git submodules to other projects.
  • scripts/ is a set of scripts that are only useful when developing locally.


When the code of our projects change from the host, servers inside containers reload automatically. To understand how, let's see how APITaxi is setup:

  • docker-compose.yml mounts the submodule ./projects/APITaxi to /git/APITaxi, so any modification from the host is visible inside the container.
  • when the containers api starts, the entrypoint installs /git/APITaxi as an editable install.
    • Python editable install: when you install a project with pip install ., source code is copied inside the virtualenv and modifications require to re-run the installation to see changes inside the virtualenv. With pip install -e ., only a link is installed so restarting the application is enough to see changes.
  • the API is served by flask run. Since FLASK_DEBUG is set in the Docker image, changes are monitored and flask reloads automatically.


Pull submodules

$> make update-submodules

Run containers

$> make up

Behind the scene, make up calls docker-compose up -d to launch containers.

Wait until the installation finishes. To view logs, run make logs.

Note: at this point, the containers minimal-operateur-server and minimal-operateur-server-worker can't work. Their entrypoints require the db container to be setup and have data.

Create databases

$> docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres
# \c taxis

Restore databases (postgres, redis, influx) from production to have data.


When your stack is setup, chances are you will need the commands below.

Integration account

The default settings expect a taxi operator named "neotaxi" that you will have to create (flask create_user neotaxi operateur moteur, the password doesn't matter) to make minimal-operateur-server usable (the logs will complain no "neotaxi" user can be found when the container is started).

Once done, restart minimal-operateur-serveur so the entrypoint extracts neotaxi's API key. Go to the console and use your administrator account to authenticate as neotaxi, and setup the URL callback to http://minimal-operateur-server:5000/hail.

You can then play with the integration section of the console to simulate a taxi driver accepting hails.

Play with Docker

Containers can be all started automatically with make up. You might prefer to run it manually to override the docker CMD. For example, for the api container:

$> docker-compose run --rm --service-ports --name api api bash

Note: a Makefile target was added to simplify this specific need: make shell api (or another service).

By default, docker-compose run starts dependencies. Add --no-deps to override this behavior.

Databases migrations

Apply migrations

$> docker-compose exec api bash
(api)> cd APITaxi_models2/
(api)> alembic upgrade head

Generate a new migration file

Databases migrations are managed by alembic. If your models change, you need to create a new migration file.

$> docker-compose exec api bash
(api)> cd APITaxi_models2/
(api)> alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'update'

Make sure to review the generated file and to remove anything that might have been created automatically by alembic.


I can't use the hail simulator

Have you followed the instructions in "Integration account" above? Then make sure all the services run and check the logs using docker logs -f.

I get an error when the console is trying to communicate with the API

The console might mention Cross-Origin requests or CORS. For a reason I haven't identified, this happens when the API returns an error instead of the expected result. Maybe something to do with the error handler itself. Check the logs using docker logs -f to find this error.

About local development environment







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